Ooh! Sparkles!

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"Hold up...so this can cure the Reveal potion's side effects?" Cyborg questioned.

I nodded in response, still furious at myself for not thinking about this book when I was searching for the cure.

"So...are you going to use it?" Beast Boy asked.

"Yes. I don't see why not. After all, a battle might come up and my emotions might get in the way of my magic," I answered.

The rest of the team looked at each other for a quick moment. Then, realizing what they had done, they immediately looked at me again as if to cover up something. However, the effort was futile; I already sensed sadness from them.

"Why are you sad?" I inquired.

"Well..."Robin started off.

Starfire got to the point, " The truth is, we will miss seeing you expressing your feelings freely. While we know it's for the greater good, we shall always remember the moment you were free of your burden."

My usually bored face expression softened. I felt the corner of my lips lift up, and it sure wasn't a smirk.

"Thank you, for understanding." With that being said, I started flipping the pages for the cure of the Reveal Potion.
My finger landed on page 368. The title read: Reveal for the Reveal Potion Cure. The moment I read the title I inwardly groaned. The title sounds boring AND ironic.

Star, Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy watched me as I summoned things from my room using my magic. (Magic comes pretty handy when you're too lazy to get up and get stuff). I ordered my magic to grab a potion bottle, a mask, scissors, and some tea. I wasn't sure exactly what I needed those items for, but it's what the book required.

As I set all of the items down and used the scissors to cut the mask up, I could hear Beast Boy muttering to Cyborg.

"Is this why people call her a witch?" He said.

"Hush! Let Rae do her work!" Cyborg scolded.

Once the mask were in small pieces, I dumped the pieces into the bottle and poured in my tea in there. Then, I shouted my famous spell.


A blinding light poured out of the book and started swirling around me. The mask pieces were nothing but sparkly glitter, following the green water (tea) and light. The light started to close onto me and started sucking something out of my body...something purple? Oh! It must've been the Reveal Potion. I remember the liquid being purple.

Then as quickly as it came, the purple color, glitter, strange water, and odd light disappeared, leaving me on the floor on my knees.

There was a moment of silence before Robin said, "Are you alright, Raven!"

And I responded...


There's going to be 1-2 more chapters...

So yeah...

Cya then!

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