Chapter 11: To Insanity

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"Victoria?" Gibbs whispered in shock. His eyes widened at her smirk and wink. "By God it is you! Mates, Victoria is here!" He cheered happily, earning grins and words of greeting from the rest of the crew.

Except for Elizabeth. She sat back in shock and slighr fear as she realized that the danger of being caught just raised exponentially.

"Victoria! I thought you were a gonner for sure!" Will stated as he hugged the girl tightly. "I'm sorry about Jack." He whispered in her ear.

"It's alright, my spirit isn't completely crushed just yet." Victoria whispered back before untangling herself from his embrace. "It takes more than Davy Jones to get rid of me."

Gibbs laughed loudly. "Aye!"

"Aye!" The rest of the crew shouted happily.

The mood suddenly darkened as they realized that that wasn't necessarily true. If Davy Jones could take down Jack Sparrow, whats to keep him from doing the same for them? Especially when they all now know him to be under Beckett's rule.

The room laspes into silence, a silence that Tia enters to. "Against de cold... and de sorrow." She stated while offering Elizabeth a mug cider. Elizabeth takes it but doesn't drink as her faze is fixated on Victoria's lifeless look as the girl realizes that it is very true that they may not get Jack back.

Tia Dalma moves on.

"It's a shame. I know you're t'inking that wid the Pearl, you coulda captured the devil and set free your fadder's soul." She tells Will as she hands him a mug.

Victoria finishes her cider.

"Doesn't matter now. The Pearl's gone." Will states,his faze flickering first to Elizabeth, who sits emotionless across from him then to Victoria next to him. "Along with it's captain." He finishes, watchinf Victoria flinch as though the words were the bite of a harsh whip into her back.

"Aye. And already the world seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all right to the end. But I guess that honest streak finally won out. To Jack Sparrow!" Gibbs stated raising his mug.

Victoria  grabbed another mug and raised it. "To insanity!"

"Never another like Captain Jack." Ragetti sputtered.

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was." Pintel mourned.

"He was a good man." Elizabeth added quietly.

Victoria watched as everyone but Elizabeth took a drink. She also noticed that Will was watching her too.

"If there was anything could be done to bring him back... Elizabeth..." Will started sadly.

Tia's head snapped up with a grin on her face. "Would you do it? Hmmm? What... would you? Hmmm? What would any of you be willing to do? Hmmm? Would you sail to the ends of the eart', and beyond, to fetch back witty Jack and 'im precious Pearl?"

Resounding aye's abd a yes from Elizabeth filled the room. Tia turned to Victoria and grinned. "We got a crew fer yer ship." Victoria smiled. "Alright. But if you're goin' brave de weird, and haunted shores, at world's end, den... you will need a captain who knows dose waters."

The group looked at Victoria. "Don't look at me, I'm only providing the ship."

Captain Barbossa decsended the stairs and stood next to Victoria with a grin and an apple in hand. "So tell me, what's become of my ship?"

Jack sat striaght up, a hot sun beating down on him and the wooden deck of the Pearl under him. "I survived?" He asked curiously, inspecting his body.

"Well, no not really." Another Jack without a shirt answered from the side where he was cleaning his nails with a knife.

"Aw, I hate it when I do that." Jack whined as he stood up. "Where are we?"

"Are you that srupid? No wonder she's marrying Beckett. We are in Davy Jones' Locker!" A younger Jack with a milirtary uniform and a clean shave stated. "Wow, we really let ourself go after the navy." He noted, his posture annoyingly straight.

"Did I ask you?" Jack questioned as he made his way to the quarter deck.

"I'm the Captain, don't need you to ask." The Navy Jack answered.

"Oh! He didn't!" A fourth Jack commented from up in the sails.

"The Peanut Gallery is not wanted right now!" Jack shouted up at him.

"Peanuts? A Jack with just a tunic and trousers on asked, poking his head up from the other side of the railing somehow.

Jack and Navy Jack just shook theor heads and went back to their conversation. "You are not infact the Captain because I'm the real Jack."

"But are you though? You must admit it would be better if I was the real one, maybe then Victoria would fall for us." Navy Jack taunted.

Jack looked him up and down. "Then how is it I'm the version that got laid and not you?"

Navy Jack didn't respond.

"Alright you scabberous dogs! I need this ship running in perfect order and sailing by the time I get back. For lack of better option, Shirtless Jack is incharge!" Jack shouted.

Many Jacks answered a chorus of "Aye" in return.

Wuth a sigh, Jack entered his quarters and shut the door. He slipped his jacket and weapons off, leaving them on a chair with his boots next to them.

"Why did you lock me away?" A sweet voice asked from the bed. Jack stiffened and turned around. There she sat on the bed, wearing a gorgeous red dress with her hair done up in a bun. "I could have saved you if you hadn't locked me up. Why did you force me to go looking for you on that island?"

Tears were streaming down her face now. "No, no I didn't mean to, don't cry luv. I was trying to keep you save, out if Beckett's reach."

Victoria looked up, her face suddenly covered with bruises, the darkest being around her neck. "But you forced me right to him. Look what he did to me Jack! Look what he did! It's all your fault!" She shouted at him. Her dress was torn and limply hanging off of her while most of her skin was covered in bruises and blood trickled out of her parted lips.

"No! No no no, please no!" He cried, reaching for her.

He blinked and she disappeared. All was silent. There was no wind of the sea, no sea for waves, the crew of Jacks were oddly not making any noise hinting to Jack that thwy probably weren't real. Well, and the fact that they were all him. And most of all, there was no Victoria, normal or otherwise.

With a fearfull mind, Jack climbed into bed and fell into his first of many fitfull sleeps.

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