chapter 1

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//2682 words

Clouds. All saw from the plane window, were clouds. Why was I in a fucking plane? Easy... My mother re-married to her boyfriend of 2 years after splitting up with my real dad about 3 years ago. Now we were headed to San Diego California, where we would be living with my new step dad, Vic Fuentes.

I sat back in the uncomfortable seat and gazed out the window, only to see cottony white clouds and a baby blue sky. My earbuds were blasting "This is how I Disappear" by My Chemical Romance, when my mom tapped me on the shoulder, causing me to jump.

I yanked the earbuds out of my ear, and my mom giggled. "You good there, jumpy?" She asked, still letting out a few chuckles. I simply gave her a dirty look and shoved one earrbud back into my ear before she tapped me again. "Kellin, honey. Please put away your headphones, the plane is about to land." I rolled my eyes in protest but obeyed, opening the small bag I had with me and put my phone, charger and earbuds into it.

Just moments later, we were exiting the plane and walking towards the baggage claim where Vic would be waiting for us. I could just turn and run if I wanted to, run away and never look back or have to live in a completley different place. I could just go back home and be with my boyfrie- best friend Johnnie and be happy. But instead, I continued walking silently next to my mom.

"Keep a look out for Vic, Kell." My mom said, looking over the large crowd. I squinted my eyes and looked through the sea of people when my eyes landed on a familiar pair of dark brown ones. The man flashed a bright smile and weaved past all the people, his long, chestnut brown hair moving with him. I looked at my mom and tugged at her sleeve. "M-mom." I pointed my mom into the direction Vic was coming from, and she squealed and ran over to him, capturing him in a hug.

"I missed you" Vic said, hugging her back. "I missed you too" my mother said, not letting go. I crossed my arms and looked away at the ceiling, waiting for them to notice me. A minute later, I looked back at the couple and cleared my throat loudly, causing the two to instantly pull apart and look at me.

"Hey Kellin! How you been, Kiddo?" Vic asked, a genuine smile on his face. The dude was 30 and looked 18, and treated me, a 17 year old, as if I were 12. I rolled my eyes in response and looked away. "Great." I said sarcastically. "You excited to be in Cali?" He asked, trying to make eye contact with me. "Very." I said in the same tone as before.

My mother looked at Vic and mouthed something, but I didn't see, and Vic nodded, an understanding look on his face. "Well," The taller man started, placing a hand on my upper arm. "How about we get your guys' bags and head on home?"  He squeezed his hand slightly before letting go, then looked over at my mom who nodded. I just grunted and turned on my heels, heading toward bag pickup.

Once my mom and I had retrieved our bags with the help of Vic, we loaded into his car and started driving the half hour it would take to get home. I slowly dozed off, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep. What felt like only moments later but was probably closer to 20 minutes, I was rudley awoken by my car door opening, and standing right there, was Vic.

I hated Vic. To me, it felt like he was trying to replace my dad, whom I loved more than anyone, but after the big fight between him and my mom when I was 14, he walked out and never returned. I miss him like hell, as I do my best friend Johnnie who lives back home. The only person I have left is my mom, and if he dare do anything to hurt her, I will not hesitate to hurt him worse.

However there he was, the man I claimed to hate, was stood in front of me with a smile on his face. Not a douche bag smirk, but a genuine smile. I visibly relaxed before softly saying "okay," and getting out of the car. We made our way around the back of the car to the already opened trunk, revealing my 5 bags. I bent down and pulled out two, ready to get the rest, before Vic pulled the last 3 out. "Hey, I can get those y'know." I said coldly. "It's no problem, just let me help you." Vic assured. I sighed and didn't protest any further, then followed the tan figure into the house.

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