chapter 7

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//2140 words

Trying to pretend to hate Vic is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I genuinely did hate him at first, but now I can't even picture myself disliking him. That thing he said during our little romantic evening kind of sparked an idea for a song, so for Vic's birthday, I wrote a song using the lyrics 'can't promise that things won't be broken, but I swear that I will never leave." I recorded that and a video for... let's just say mature audiences only... on my phone so I can send it to him on his birthday, which happens to be tomorrow.


The next morning, I hopped out of bed bright and early, then jogged downstairs to start making Vic breakfast in bed. My mom took the early morning shift today so that she could take Vic out to dinner, so we get the whole morning to ourselves. I would've loved to have more time with Vic tonight instead, but I'll take what I can get. I bounded down the steps and stretched as I entered the kitchen. I started by taking the French press out of a cupboard, then filling a kettle with water and putting it on the stove.

I grabbed some eggs out of the fridge, then got to work. I made an omlet with cheese, ham, peppers and onions, a bagel with peanut butter, fresh squeezed orange juice and fresh coffee with cream. I put the masterpiece on a wooden tray and carefully brought it up the stairs into Vic's room. He was already awake, but he looked like he had just gotten up, and he was scrolling on his phone.

"Happy birthday, love." I said softly with a smile, pushing open the door. Vic dropped his phone and adjusted his pillows so he was sitting in an upright position, then smiled at me brightly. "This is for me? Aw, thank you so much, baby!" He said excitedly. I giggled and layed the tray down across his lap. "Enjoy. And I have a few more things for you, check your phone." I said, exiting the bedroom with a smirk. Vic tilted his head at me as I left, then I saw him open his phone. I gently closed the door and dusted off my hands, taking a breath and grinning as I heard my song playing from his room. I didn't have a title for it yet;  a few ideas crossed my mind, but I needed something really special. I just couldn't think of anything that was perfect.

Within the next thirty minutes, Vic had taken his now empty tray full of plates and glasses back down the steps and into the kitchen where I had just finished cleaning up. I was currently bent over the counter, eating an apple and pondering, and I didn't even realize Vic was there until I felt his arms wrap around my waist. "Kellin, first of all, that song was absolutely beautiful... But I have a problem with the second video." He said sternly. With concern, I wiped my mouth and turned around to face Vic, holding the half eaten apple in my hand. I tilted my head in confusion as I saw his expression; serious and almost... mad? "Uh... what's wrong?" I asked. Soon his tough expression softened, and a lustful smirk was playing on his lips. "You made me so goddamn horny... I think you need to make it up to me." He said, placing his hands on my hips and moving his face closer to mine.

Without thought, my hands snaked around Vic's neck and my lips were pressed against his. This kiss soon got very intense, and was no longer a gentle morning kiss. No, we were thrashing around and bumping into counter edges, knocking things off of furniture, etc. His tongue was deep in my mouth one second, then mine was in his the next. I had one hand tangled in his hair, and the other free and grabbing onto things to steady myself. Eventually, our intense makeout session softened once again into a gentle, loving kiss.  Vic's hands were now resting in the small of my back, and mine were around his neck once again. After the kiss came to a natural pause, I pressed out foreheads together and smiled. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." Vic echoed.

"W-wait... Vic." I said nervously as he started kissing me again. "What is it, kells?" He asked. "Babe... I love you so much... I can't keep doing this for much longer." I whispered, biting my lip and pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "W-What do you mean?" Vic asked, concerned and confused. "Trying to act like I hate you. I dont hate you, Vic, I love you. I want to get married but... you're already married to my mom and I'm not 18 and Vic it hurts..." I said, frustrated tears welling up in my eyes. "Kellin, baby, I cant do it for much longer either. I really do love you too, and this is just as hard for me as it is for you. Someday though, me and your mom will be apart and WE will be together. Just... getting there will be the hard part. It won't exactly be easy coming out to your mom... you know that, right?" Vic said in return.

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