chapter 8

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//1905 words

Dinner that night was extremely awkward, and nobody said a word to each other the whole time. My mom got up several times to go to the bathroom, and each time she got back, redness and shiny tears rimmed her eyes. I stared at my plate most of the time, picking at my food and occasionally taking a bite before nervously side glancing Vic, who was doing the same. "Victor, I ordered an uber to take me back home so I can load up some things, then I'm going to spend the night at a hotel tonight. I'll be back after my work shift tomorrow to check on Kellin, please make sure he gets to school on time and that he's taken care of." My mom says. Her tone is deep and emotionless, whith an occassional break of sadness. She never calls Vic by his full name, even when they're at their worst with each other, but it's understandable now, obviously.

With that, my mother placed a ten dollar bill on the table, presumably to pay for the tip, and grabbed her purse and walked away. As soon as I saw that she was completly gone, I buried my face in my hands and silently let out the sobs that I had been repressing since we got to the resturaunt. Vic's arms were instantly around me, and he was kissing the top of my head. "Baby, lets get you home." Vic whispered, tilting my face up gently with one finger so I was looking him in the eye. "Yeah.. o-okay" I whispered back. Vic quickly flagged down our waitress and handed her his card so we could pay and get out of here as soon as possible, and when she returned, Vic and I left in an instant.

I bit my lip and stared at the ground as I moved quickly to the door, snifflimg as I went and wiping the tears from my eyes with the back of my sleeve. I tried my best to ignore the looks of everybody around us, and Vic had his arm around my waist and was guiding me out of the resturaunt. When we got in the car, I saw Vic's eyes pool with tears and he reached across the center consol and held me in his arms. We sat there for ten minutes, him trying to be strong for me while I just lost it. "D-do you think she still l-loves me?" I sniffled as Vic and I finally pulled apart. "Yeah baby, I know she does. Don't think about it too much, alright? We should probably get you home." He said gently, staring into my glassy eyes with his own.

When we got home, Vic immediatley ushered me upstairs and into my room. "Why don't you take a shower to clear your head, and then get into something comfy. Do you need anything?" Vic asked in a loving mamner. "N-no. Not right now." I said, looking down and wiping my nose with the back of my hand. I looked back up at him, and he was staring down at me with a broken look on his face and I wanted nothing more in that moment than to just hug him until all the pain goes away. So I took a step forward and wrapped my arms around his waist, squeezing and pulling him into me as tightly as I could, and he held me right back. I pressed my face into the crook of his neck and held on for dear life, rocking backwards and forwards with him for a few minutes before finally stepping away. "I love you." I whispered, biting my loop and staring into his eyes. "I love you so much" he said back, presseing his lips firmly against mine. "I'm going to go shower." I said after we pulled away. "Okay babe." He whispered back, taking a step away from me and closing my bedroom door gently.

I quickly grabbed a random MCR t-shirt and black sweatpants from my drawer and entered my bathroom. I closed the door, but didn't bother locking it considering the only person at home was Vic. I stripped down and turned the water in the shower on so it was hot as I could stand, then I stepped in and let the water pour over my body. Eventually, I starting washing myself with my axe body wash and shaving my legs and shit. Everyone thinks it's weird that I shave my legs since I'm a boy, but it makes me more comfortable, and I wasn't really in any position to care what other people thought right then.

Just as I finished shaving, I heard the bathroom door open and I drew back the shower curtain so it covered my body, but so you could still see my face and arms. "It's just me baby. Okay if I join you?" Vic asked. He was biting his lip and pressing his hands together, and he wasn't wearing any clothes. I smiled a little and pulled back the shower curtain the rest of the way. "Of course" I said with a small smile. Vic smiled back and took my hands in his as he stepped under the water with me. His long, brown and usually fluffy hair started straightening and turning dark under the water, and he shook his head slightly as the liquid poured onto his face. He was so beautiful right now. I continued holding his hands and staring at him as the water trickled over his skin and made it shimmer. I wrapped my arms around his skinny, yet muscular build and pulled his bare waist into mine, tilting my head and pressing my lips into his.

We held it there for a few seconds, our soft lips dancing with each other. The lights in the bathroom were dim in the first place because Vic had turned them down when he came in the bathroom, but the steam from the hot water added to this brilliant effect. Our hair hung wet at our shoulders, and our bodies were pressed against each other. "You are so beautiful" Vic whispered, placing his hands on my upper arms and moving one gently up and down, so he was stroking the pale skin. "So are you" I whispered, placing my hands just above his hips and looking him in the eye. Somehow the water made his eyes look even brighter than before, and had an amazing golden glow to the normaly brown iris's.

Eventually, one thing slowly led to another and he now had his hand wrapped around the base of my dick. He had his other hand on the small of my back for support, and he was looking me up and down as he started to stroke me. Vic started out slow, but progresively got faster and faster. "V-vic. Baby, stop." I moaned with my head thrown back. "Everything okay, Kells?" He asked softly. "Yes, of course." I giggled. "I just don't wanna cum yet." I said shyly. Vic let out a small laugh and nodded, letting go of my member just as I was about to reach my climax. Without saying anything, Vic turned around and picked something up from the small rack of toiletries. When he turned back around, he had a small handful of lube cupped in his hand, and he was holding his cock at the base with his other hand. "Do you wanna?" He asked tentatively before making the next move. I nodded and smiled as I watched Vic nod back and slick himself up. "We're going to try something different.. if that's okay." He said, making eye contact with me. "Sure, what is it?" I said, tiltimg my head in confusion. "Turn around and just bend over, okay?" He said.

I did as Vic asked, and felt his warm tip at my entrance soon after. "Are you ready baby?" He asked. I stared straight ahead and nodded. "Yeah." I said quietly, placing one hand on my knee and the other on the wall in front of me. "Okay. On three... one... two... three" Vic's large member sunk into me slowly, and it was pretty painful feeling him at a new angle. "S-shit, babe." I said, biting my lip and sucking in short breaths. This was no where near as painful as the first time we had sex, but the new angle felt strange. "Shhh. I'm all the way in, baby. How do you feel?" Vic asked, rubbing my lower back. "I-it feels okay. It hurts a little, but I'm okay." I said. "Okay. Is it okay if I start moving now?" He asked. I nodded my head and braced myself, not knowing exactly what to expect. Vic slowly started rocking his hips and pushing slowly in and out of me, until I was softly moaning.

"You're doing amazing, Kells. Is this okay?" He asked, continuing his steady rithym. "Y-yeah" I said through moans. Eventually Vic was rolling a little faster, and I was moving myself on him and matching his thrusts. "Fuuckk" I groaned, throwing my head back. Vic had moved one hand around my underside and was now jerking me off as well as fucking me. "I'm so c-close Vic." I said, uncontrollably moaning. "Mmm. F-fuck. Me too, kells" He groaned back, moving even faster now. I felt him release his load inside of me, and his moan pushed me over the edge. I loudly groaned Vic's name as I came in his hand, my hips now shaking.

Cleaning up was pretty easy, considering we were in the shower, and Vic stayed with me while I shampood and conditioned my hair. After we had turned the water off and gotten out, Vic headed to his room so he could get dressed, but told me he would be back. I quickly shook the water from my hair and dried off as much as I could with the towell, then put on the clothes I had brought into the bathroom with me and brushed my teeth. I turned off the light as I exited the bathroom, and was met by Vic now laying under the covers in my bed. "Hey cutie" he said to me with a small smile. A light pink blush formed on my cheeks as I flicked the main light off and slid into bed next to him. "Hi" I said finally, with a giggle. "Goddamn you're so adorable." He said, proping himself up on his elbow. I giggled and kissed his nose lightly, then yawned and covered my face with the covers. "We should sleep" I said, as I emerged back up from under the blanket. "Okay, cutie." Vic said, laying back down and kissing me on the forehead, before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me tightly into his torso. "I love you so much" I said, after yawning tiredly. I fell asleep just as I heard Vic whisper "I love you too." And kiss the top of my head.

Heyy guys. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long, and I'm also very sorry this chapter is so short, I just wanted to put something out. This is dedicated to one of my best friends Sierra_is_Tyler, and hopefully this cheers them up!! I love you!!! Let me know what ya'll think of this.

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