chapter 6

56 3 11

//3269 words *shook*

It was the middle of math class, and I was bored as hell and half asleep. This was my 5th period class, so at least I didn't have to deal with too much more. I felt somebody tap my shoulder, and I turned around to see that it was Tyler, one of my friends. "Dude, do you get any of this?" He asked. I shook my head and did a half smile. "No." I answered. "Ugh, can you faggots shut the hell up?" The school bully Ronnie Radke asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed, tired of being called a fag. I mean I was used to it by now, but I dont think any of the people who call me that actually know I'm gay. They probably just assume since all of my friends are gay.

"I asked you a question." Ronnie continued in a 'taunting' voice. The dumbass thought he was all cool and shit, but in reality he was about as threatening as a pug. I sighed and crossed my arms, rolling my eyes again and looking straight ahead. "I mean, you could do us all a favor and shut the hell up as well." I said, tiredly turning my head toward Ronnie. I heard Tyler gasp a little, he tapped me on the shoulder quickly. "Just ignore him, Kellin." He had an urgent, worried expression on his face, but I just shrugged in return. "You think you're so smart, huh? With your stupid little remarks?" The douche bag continued. I slammed my hand down on the desk and faced Ronnie. "Actually, yeah. I mean, based off of your grades, I'm way fucking smarter than you." I sneered. There was a collective gasp from the whole classroom, including the teacher. None of the teachers or students dare mess with Ronnie, so everybody was taken aback by my remark.

Ronnie turned a light shade of pink and turned himself around in his chair so he was silent and facing the front of the classroom. I smirked and looked back at the teacher, who hesitantly continued talking about the Pythagorean theorem. When the bell rung, I quickly shoved my stuff into my bag and walked out of the classroom with Tyler following closely after. "Hey, Kellin." I heard a familiar voice call. I stopped in my tracks and turned on my heels. "What now, Ronnie?" I groaned.

Before I could react, the gothic boy swung a fist and planted it directly into my nose. I heard a crunch, and blood instantly started rushing out of my nostrils. "Fuck!" I muttered, slamming into a locker from the force of the punch and sliding down to the tiled floor. We were in the main hallway of the school, so a small crowd had formed around us. "Kellin!" I hear Tyler shout. I opened my blurry eyes and saw him frantically dialing a number on his phone. "Josh! Josh! Come here, quick!" I heard him yell into the phone. My vision was already pretty blurry and my ears were ringing, but I felt the weight of Ronnie on top of me as he continued pounding his fist into my face and ribs.

A few moments later, I saw my friend and Tyler's boyfriend, Josh, run up and grab Ronnie by the front of his shirt, slamming him into a locker beside me and punching him hard across the face. Ronnie groaned in pain and placed a hand over his eye, presumably where Josh had just hit him. "Oh, fuck no!" Another voice growled. Andy Biersack, Ronnies best friend, came straight for Josh, but Josh ducked out of the way before he got hit, and grabbed Andy's knuckles so he couldn't swing again. "Get lost. Take your friend, and get the fuck out of here." Josh growled, staring Andy right in the eye. Josh never cussed, and everybody knew it, so Andy's expression turned slightly terrified, and he nodded quickly and pulled Ronnie away from the crowd.

Tyler and Josh quickly shoed away the bystanders to give me more space, and Tyler frantically typed out a text. "You okay, kell?" I heard a muffled voice ask. I couldn't exactly make out who was talking, but I groaned and tried to sit up. "Hey, hey be careful." The voice said again. It was Josh. He wrapped a muscular arm around my shoulders and helped my sit up against the lockers. I wiped my upper lip, just under my nose, and hissed in pain. I pulled away my hand and saw dried and fresh blood smeared all over my fingers. I felt myself getting pale at the sight, and I quickly took my hand away so I didn't have to look at the blood anymore. "H-how bad is it?" I asked wearily. "Um... It's not pretty. But I think you'll be okay. The bell rung about five minutes ago, so Jack and Alex are going to come here so Tyler and I can head to class, okay?" Josh answered. I nodded and closed my eyes, leaning my head back and pressing it against the lockers. Seconds later, I heard footsteps approaching quickly and I opened my eyes, seeing my two best friends sprinting over to me. Tyler explained to them what had happened, then I felt Josh stand and walk away with Tyler.

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