Briy♡- Byeee bitches✌
Jack- I'm gonna miss you
Briy♡- I'm not gonna miss you
Jack- I'm talking about Laur
Lauren♡- I'm not gonna miss youuuuu
Lauren♡- Cos I'm going on holiday with my gurrllllllsssss
Jack- Right Laur calm downnnnnnn
Joe- Who's actually going?
Briy♡- Me, Laur, Ard, Har, Gee, Leyanna, Han and Ria
Jack- Who's last three?
Lauren♡- First ones our best friend and last two are sisters
Jack- How many sisters?
Briy♡- We did say 5 Jack
Joe- Oh yeah, add them
Briy♡- Exscuse me! Why?
Joe- NO! I don't mean it like that I mean cos this groups quite boring now, we need new people!
Briy♡- Rightt
Lauren♡ added Leyanna to the group
Lauren♡ added Ria to the group
Lauren♡ added Han to the groupJack added Alex to the group
Joe- Oh no! Not Alex McDonald!
Leyanna- Wassup bitches
Alex- A ya kidding me?
Han- Wow sis. Wow.
Ria- ^^
Han- Nah I'm not being in this. I love you but bye
Han left the group
Lauren♡- Right.
Lauren♡- A lot has happened...
Lauren♡- And I need you all to stay quiet whilst I explain...
Lauren♡- So the other day, everything was normal. This is a pic of Briy and Leyanna
Group Chat
FanfictionButtercream squad group chat: title really explains it all. *shruggy shoulder emoji*