Growing up alone and nobody to turn to had a major impact on Clarissa's life. Abandoned by her family at a young age lead her to depression and difficult situations. In just one night a lot can change. Clarissa decides to go out for the night to cel...
"I-." He starts but was cutoff by someone knocking on the door
"I'll get it." He says
As he gets up I roll around in the bed trying to make myself comfortable again. I finally end up getting comfortable. After about 5 minutes Zach finally comes back and lays down on the bed next to me. I examine his face for a little bit but my eyes immediately go to his lips.
"Why do you have lipstick on your lips?" I ask
"She kissed me." He says in disgust
"Who did?" I ask
"Jenny..." He says
"Oh." I say in disappointment
"Yeah..." He says
"I'm going to sleep." I say
"Clary... please talk to me." He says
"What's there to talk about?" I ask
"Nevermind. I'll tell you in the morning." He says
He gets up out of the bed and makes his way to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. When he's in the bathroom I immediately take the chance to text Corbyn about what had just happened.
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I put my phone down and Zach comes back into the room. He doesn't even look at me. All he does is lay down in the bed and turn off the lamp. No goodnight or anything. I roll over to face him and all that faces me is his back. So instead of facing his back I roll back over and fall asleep. A good 11 hours of sleep.
I wake up to fine Zachs arms wrapped around me. He probably doesn't know he's at it either. I roll out of his embrace and make my way to the bathroom. After I finish in the bathroom I grab my phone from Zachs desk. I quietly make my way out of his room and then close the door behind me hopefully not waking him. I walk downstairs to find nobody there. I check the time on my phone to see that's it's 3 in the afternoon. I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the counter. I grab the notes and read it.
Hello dear sister. We have gone out to lunch, I didn't want to wake you or Zach so we just left without you guys. Jenny wasn't to pleases about it. But idc one bit. When I get home I'll fill you in on plan number two. Btwthis little breakfast/lunch is obviously apart of the plan. Love you, Sir Corbean
I laugh at the note. I take the note and fold it up so nobody will se it. And I shove it in the pocket of Zachs sweatpants. I walk over to the fridge to start making breakfast for Zach and I. Even though I'm kind of mad at him there's no reason yo starve him. Soon after breakfast is finished being made the soft footsteps of Zach walk down the stairs to the kitchen. He walks into the kitchen and see breakfast on the counter and sits down on the barstool.
"Thought you were mad." Zach says
"I am, but no need to starve you just yet." I say
I sit down next to him and begin eating my breakfast. The whole time neither of us say a thing. We didn't even use our phone. Well he didn't I only picked it up when I get a notification from a text.
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Of course it was Corbyn.
"What do we need to fix?" Zach asks
"Everything." I say
"How do we need to fix everything..." He says
"We just do. I'm not talking to you here." I say
"Why not? Are you that mad." He ask
He can be so stupid at times. I walk upstairs and he doesn't follow like I thought he would. So I decided to text him my reasoning.
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I hear him make his way up the stairs and soon enough he appears in the door way. He runs into the room and jumps on the bed right next me. I get off the bed and close the door and then walk back to the bed and sit down again. I look at him and he looks at me.
"So what did you want to talk about?"He asks
"Us. I want to talk about us." I say ------------------- So this is the twenty-second chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out why and what Clary wants to talk about. About them... is there even a them. Byeeee! -SJ [Vote and Comment] [December 23rd 2017]