Chapter 19

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"The earliest you can go home is tomorrow, we would release you today but first we need to find a nurse willing to take the job of going to check on you every now and then.Which shouldn't be to hard so your release time is around 9 in the morning. We'll let you know if there's any changes." The nurse says

"Thank you so much." I say

"No worries." The nurse says

Ad the nurse leaves the room, Ashley and I scream with excitement. Corbyn and Jordan cover their ears as we scream. And Mom just standing there and shakes her head as she laughs at us. Ashley runs over to my bedside and carefully jumps on the bed right next ti me and embraces me in a hug. We finally finished screaming with excitement and Corbyn and Jordan uncover their ears.

"Ow. That hurt." Corbyn says

"Maybe next time cover your ears sooner." I say

"Maybe next time don't scream so loud." Jordan says

"Maybe next time you have a girl over don't be so fucking loud while making out." Ashley says

"Yeah Jordan." Corbyn says

"Oh don't you talk mister." Ashley says

"Hmmmm..... Corbyn." Jordan

"Shut the hell up Jordan." Ashley and Corbyn say

The three of the argued for hours. Mom left half way through and went out to the waiting room to talk to the guys and Christina. Every now and then I would join in a say a few words to them. Not very often though. It has been going on for 4 hours.

"Jesus what has this turned into...." I say

"Absolutely no clue." Ashley says

"Why did we even start arguing in the first place?" Jordan asks

"Because Ash and Clary screamed so fucking loud." Corbyn says


He looks at me with a shocked expression and tears streaming down his face.

"Sorry mom." He says

"That's better, now apologize to Ashley and Jordan." I say

"Sorry Ashley. Sorry Jordan." He says

"Now go sit in that corner and stay there until I say you can move and don't say a word while you're there." I say

"Yes mom." He says

He walks over to the corner an brings a chair along with him. He places the chair in the corner and sits in it. And begins to play with his thumbs.

"Now where were we?" I ask

"We were making Corbyn cry...." Ashley says

"How???" Jordan asks

"I'm a very harsh person when I want to be." I say

"Mo-." Corbyn begins

"Shut up Corbyn, I told you bot to speak." I say

"Yes ma'ma." He says

"Can you go get the other boys for me?" I ask

"Sure can do." Jordan says

Ashley and Jordan walk out of the room and disappear in the hallway. Five or so minutes after Jordan and Ashley left, four boys appear in the door way to my room. Jack, Jonah, Daniel and... Zach.

"Well you're alive." Jonah says

"No shit sherlock." Daniel says smacking Jonah in the back of his head

"Do you want to end up in the corner like Corbyn?" I ask

"No....why is he there anyways?" Daniel asks

"Long story short. He swore, I yelled at him an made him cry and then I told him to sit in the corner and not speak." I say

"Okay wow." Daniel says

"You made Corbyn cry... cool." Jonah says plopping down next to me on my bed

"Hello best friend." I say

"Hello!" Corbyn says

"Now Corbyn.. what did I tell you." I say

"Yes mom." He says

The other three of the boys take a chair from the other side of the room and place them next to my bed.

"So what do you do in here? It's pretty boring." Jack asks

"Well most the time I just lay here and talk to people or yell at them. And if nobody is in here I write down stuff in my notebook." I say

"Where your notebook?" Daniel asks looking around the room

"That's for me to know and you to, dot, dot, dot." I say

"It's underneath her pillow." Jonah, Corbyn and Zach say

"How did you know?" I ask

"We're best friends and I know everything." Corbyn and Jonah say

"I just know." Zach says

"I thought you told Corbyn to shut up." Jack says

"I did." I say

"Well now." Daniel says

"Corbitch." I say

"Sister bitch." Corbyn says facing me

"Come here." I say

"Yes mom." Corbyn says

"Now go back over to your corner and pull over your chair and place it right next to Zach's and sit down to have a conversation with us." I say

"Really?" Corbyn asks

"Yes really." I say

Corbyn walks over to the corner of the room and pulls his chair next to Zach and sits down, making a loud tump. After Corbyn sat down we had a long conversation about our lives. What we hope to come in the future or our lives outside of each other. I look over at the clock and see the time. 3:45 in the morning. Visiting hours were over long ago but here the boys were in my room asleep in the chairs. Jonah was in the bed but when he got tried he moved over to the couch. Corbyn, Daniel and Jack were all asleep in the chairs. And well Zach was pretending to be asleep.

"I know you're not actually sleeping." I say in a whisper voice

"How'd you know?" He asks

"I just know. How come you can't sleep?" I ask

"These chairs aren't that comfortable." He says sitting up in the chair

"Come here." I say patting the bed

I move over to make enough room for Zach to lay down. He gets out of his chair an plops himself on the bed right next to me. I take the blanket up and place it over his body. He cuddles right in to me and I do the same to him.

 He cuddles right in to me and I do the same to him

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"Goodnight Clary." He says

"Goodnight Zach." I say
So this is the nineteenth chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for the next chapter to see how Clary's last day in the hospital goes. Byeeee!
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[December 19th 2017]

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