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I woke up next morning with the ringing sound of my phone.

Incoming call

Mark Lee (don't pick up)

Answer Decline

I decided to decline it, as always. I shut my eyes and went back to sleep, last night was a very long night.

But there was something interrupting my sleep, it was the vibration my phone made every time I got a notification. I picked it up to put it on don't disturb mode, when I saw the messages I had received.

New from Notasquare
Notasquare: ok so I kno u dont wanna talk but listen

New from Notasquare
Notasquare: i need help getting up from my bed

New from Notasquare
Notasquare: and ur the only one that can help since no one else knows

New from Notasquare
Notasquare: i mean i can tell my friends if ur ok with this kyungsoo guy chasing u to kill u

I rolled my eyes.

I got up and went to his room. He was laid on his bed looking at his phone screen with a pout.

"What's with the pout?"
"Hyuckie, y-you came"

He smiled.

"I don't wanna get killed"
"Fair enough"

I helped him get up. He tried to walk on his own, but as soon as he did, he fell on me.

"I can't even walk, fuck me"
"Don't worry, it'll heal"

I put a shirt on him since he had slept shirtless that night. I took him to the bathroom to check how his wound was doing.

I lifted up his bandage and saw that it was still bleeding. The cut was too big for it to heal on it's own.

"Dude, we'll gonna have to stitch it"
"Oh no"
"Yup, Imma do it tonight, make sure you bring a big bottle of vodka, this shit is gonna hurt"

He didn't go to the streets that day, I wouldn't have let him either.

The hours passed and I was already laid in my bed again, waiting for Mark's call telling me he's ready. Just then my phone started to ring.

Incoming call

Mark Lee (don't pick up)

Answer Decline

It felt like it was the first time picking up in years.

"I'm ready, come pick me up"
"On my way"

I locked ourselves in the bathroom, after getting vodka, a needle and thread.

I put the needle and thread in a pool of disinfectant, while Mark opened the bottle of vodka. He smelt it and made a disgusted gesture with his face.

"I see you've never drank before"
"Can you take a sip first?"
"Are you afraid of drinking vodka?''
"Please, just one sip"
"Ugh, fine"

I took a sip of it.

"See? I'm alive"
"Fuck you"

He grabbed the bottle and drank a little.

Then a little more.

He was already drunk. And he didn't even drink a quarter of the bottle.

I took the bottle away from him and tried to take off his shirt, but he refused.

"Wow wow wow, calm down sir"
"Mark, I need to take off your shirt so I can stitch your wound"
"I don't undress without a kiss first"
"You're so fucking drunk"

He didn't give me a choice,

So I had to place my lips on top of his. He deepened the kiss.

But I pulled away.

My cheeks were burning and they were sure painted with a deep tone of red. Mark was drunk enough to not notice.

"Happy? Now can you please let me help you?"
"Sure, go ahead"

I laid him down on the floor and started to stitch the cut. He didn't even move. I internally thanked that my mom was a doctor and taught me all of this.

"Okay buddy, we are done". I said after wrapping him in new bandage.
"Oh no we ain't"

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer.

He kissed me again.

My cheeks started blushing intensively.

"Mark, stop"
"Why? I know you want to"
"No, I don't and neither do you, you're just drunk"

I took him to the kitchen to make him drink some glasses of water.

"What are these for?" He said while looking at the 3 glasses of water served in front of him.
"To soften that strong ass headache you're gonna have tomorrow"

After a long argument of me telling him how much he needed to drink the glasses and him refusing, he drank them all.

I was about to take him upstairs, but he stopped me.
"I need to use the restroom"
"Can't you just hold it?"
"Bipity bopity nope"
"Bipity bopity fuck you"
"Mm maybe later"

I pretended like I didn't listen to that part.

I leaded him to the restroom and waited for him outside.

After a flush and a sound of water falling from the sink, I heard him fall. I quickly entered the room and prayed for him to have pants on, what he did by the way.

I saw him in the ground, crying.

"I can't walk! Why does it hurt so bad? I wanna walk by myself!"
"Don't worry Mark, it'll heal, you're gonna walk again"
"You promise?"
"Yeah, now stop crying, let's go to sleep"

He was too dramatic.

I took him to his bedroom and tucked him.

"You've seen me a lot of times shirtless"
"I-I know"
"But I've never seen you shirtless"
"You have, you know that time when we- when we-"
"When we kissed and you were on top of me about to take your shirt off, but Chenle interrupted us?"
"You sure talk a lot when you're drunk"
"That doesn't count as being shirtless because you never actually took it off"
"What do you want from me?"
"I wanna see you shirtless"
"Good luck with that, drunk man"
"I will someday"
"Good night Mark"

I left and entered my room. I got in bed, without before peeking at the image of my face in the mirror, I was indeed blushing madly.

I couldn't and I still can't deny,

I liked how Mark acted when he was drunk.

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