The street

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~Mark's POV~

I decided to avoid Donghyuck.

It was the only way I could stop crushing on him.

That's how a day passed.

And that day turned into a week. A week and a half.

A week and a half where I did the same routine everyday. I woke up before 11:30 am, time when Donghyuck and his gang started to wake up. I had breakfast as fast as I could, then I locked myself in our room, to shower and get ready. I rushed the others to exit the house and we hanged in the streets for the rest of the day.

There was when people started to call me Lill' Marco again. I didn't mind as long as Donghyuck wasn't there.

There were times where I spotted him while we were on the street, then I just started running away. For some reason, everyone followed.

We met lots of new people during those 10 days on the streets. They were Johnny, Ten, Taeyong, Yuta and Sicheng, who made himself call Winwin, his street name. They were some pretty cool people. Taeyong said he knew Jaehyun, who has been my friend for as long as I can remember.

I also started seeing Koeun more often, she liked this side of me. We spent hours together, talking and laughing, and we ended kissing each other more than once.

But it wasn't working.

Donghyuck was still on my mind 24/7. Everything I saw, everything I did, reminded me of him. Even when I was with Koeun, I remembered about the day I started talking to her, the same day I realized I liked Donghyuck's company more than her's. And my mind spent a long time trapped in that memory, wanting to get out, but I wasn't able to.

And so the 10th day came. We arrived to the usual place where Jaemin, Chenle and I join the other guys, but there was something different.

It was Donghyuck.

That fucker woke up earlier than us, and surprisingly found out where I hung out at.

"Ayye Mark" He stood up from the spot he was sitting "long time no see huh" he said as he put an arm around my shoulder.
"W-what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you, and since you're never home, I decided to come visit you"
"What do you want to see me for?"
"I missed you"
"Koeun better collect her man" Johnny spoke up
"K-Koeun?" Donhyuck shook "what have I missed?"
"They're not quite dating, but they are in something" Ten joined

Donghyuck smiled, but then I saw the smirk fade as he stared to the ground.

"How did you find out where I hang out at?" I asked, trying to get him out of whatever he was thinking about

I knew it was about me and Koeun. I could see that he liked her too. It broke his heart. Just like he broke mine a week ago. I felt sorry. Even though I knew he deserved it, somehow it made me feel bad, it made me feel guilty.

"Oh, I-uh" He hesitated "Jeno told me"

I looked at Jaemin hiding his face and avoiding me with his sight. I decided to not ask Donghyuck how did Jeno know.

We spent some time fucking around, just the everyday thing.

Just then I realized,

I forgot how fun Donghyuck was.

After a while, we decided to go to the convenience store to get so something to eat.

We grabbed everything needed to end our hunger and passed it to the cashier.

"Who's paying?" Yuta asked the crowd.

But no one answered. Winwin made a sign with his head.

Take it all and run.

We dashed out of the store with the food we didn't pay for in our hands. We kept running and turned left to the woods. We decided to split up so it would be harder for them to find us. I was lucky enough for my team to be Jaemin and Chenle, no Donghyuck in between.

But that didn't last long.

After some good 5 minutes of trying to get lost in the forest, we bumped into Donghyuck and Taeyong. We started walking together. And I started to talk to Donghyuck.

I missed him too

After eating our food, we played around a little longer.

I took my phone out and I saw the time.

10:51 pm

We said our goodbye's and then walked our way home. Donghyuck approached me.

"So, Lill' Marco huh?"
"Shut up" I pushed him lightly
"It's a good street name though, you could help me finding one as well"
"You don't find street names, they find you"
"Don't you get all philosophical over nicknames"
"They're street names, and they are a philosophy"
"Never knew this side of you"
"Now you do" I said with a mocking smile
"Don't smile like that" he said while looking away, avoiding my sight.
"It makes my heart skip a beat"

[A/n: yes that's a school 2017 reference stfu]

"Stop it" I laughed, kind of awkwardly.
"Okay, but don't you dare to steal that pick up line." He lowered his voice. "Specially if it's with Koeun"

I pretended like I didn't listen to that last part.

We got home, and everyone got into their respective rooms.

I got in bed, I shut my eyes to get sleeping, when I got a couple of notifications.

New from Sk8rboii
Sk8rboii: Had a really nice time today with those doods

New from Sk8rboii
Sk8rboii: where did you meet them tho

New from Sk8rboii
Sk8rboii: they seem p shady 4 ur kind

New from Sk8rboii
Sk8rboii: lmao i forgot u r a baby and go to sleep early

New from Sk8rboii
Sk8rboii: gnite

I swiped and entered the chat.


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