10) Graduation (Ending)

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Skyler's Pov
I woke up and instantly felt soar. I remember last night and smiled to myself. I looked over and saw Brendon was gone. Then I heard the sink. He walked back out in a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was wet and fell over his forehead. He smiled at me. What's my baby girl doing? He asked smiling and came over to me. Not much just soar. I said smiling. I'm sorry daddy had to go hard. He said and kissed me. I like it when your rough. I said smiling. He groaned and bit his lip. I need to change and get ready for the graduation. He said. Oh shit I forgot about that. Did I finish all my papers for your class? I asked. Yes babe you passed every class with flying colors. He said smiling. Okay good. I said and rolled onto my stomach. He ripped the blankets off of me and slapped my ass. Hey I'm cold now. I whined. He chuckled. Well it's time to get up baby your going to be late for the rehearsal. He said. Fine. I said and sat up. Can I have the blankets now I feel exsposed. I said smiling and made graby hands for the blanket. No your going to wrap up in the blankets again and get comfortable then I'm going to have to slap that little ass of yours. He said smiling. Shit he knows me to well. I thought to myself. Fine. I said and got up. Good girl. He said. I stood up and felt pain shooting through my upper thighs. He walked over to me and held me up. Try walking again baby. He said smiling and kissed my cheek. I stood up and walked. Okay babe in going to take a quick shower. I said and walked to the bathroom. Okay babe. He said.
I walked out in my towel. I saw Brendon in a nice gold jacket and black undershirt. With black leather pants and converse. He had his hair smoothed down and nice he shaved. He had collone on. Hey beautiful. He said smiling. Hey handsome. I said limped over to find my clothes. Babe where's my clothes? I asked. Oh I got you new clothes. He said smiling and grabbed a box. It had pastel wrapping paper and a pastel ribbon. He handed me the box and I opened it. He smiled and looked at me smiling. I pulled out a light blue sundress and gladeater sandles. I pulled out a white laced push up bra and a white thong. I smiled. Thank you so much baby. I said and hugged and kissed him. Your welcome baby. He said smiling and kissed me. Oh there might be one more thing. He said smiling. What is it? I asked. Reach in my pocket. He said smiling. Okay. I said and reached in his pocket. I pulled out a white box. I smiled. Open it. He said smiling. I opened the small box and saw a beautiful diamond necklace and earrings. I love them and I love you so much baby. I said and kissed him. I'm glad you love them and I love you too baby. He said smiling. I changed into the outfit and put the earrings in. He helped me put my necklace on. He turned me around and kissed me. I love you so fucking much. He said smiling. I love you too baby. I said and kissed him. Okay lets go. He said. I walked out and went to my room. Skye. Brendon said. Yes sir. I said. You forgot your phone. He said and handed me my phone. Thanks babe. I said smiling. No problem. He said smiling. I walked to my room. I unlocked the door and went in. Devon and the girls were up and getting everything ready for our graduation. Wow Skye where did you get the fancy outfit at? Devon asked. Oh um Brendon gave me it this morning. I said smiling. Wow it's beautiful. She said smiling. Thanks. I said smiling. The girls all complemented the outfit. And got ready to go.
---6 hours later
It was time for the graduation and they called my name to get my diploma. Brendon was the one that handed me the diploma. Good job babe. Brendon whispered to me. Thanks. I said and walked off the stage.
We both went to the afterparty and danced. That dress brings out the right curves in you babe. Brendon said smiling. Well thank you I am really thankful baby. I said smiling and hugged him. I'm glad you like everything. He said smiling. Mr. Urie I am sad to see you go but I wish you luck. Mrs. Harding said smiling. Well thank you ma'am I will promise that ill be just fine. She smiling. Good and I and proud you graduated Miss Anderson. She said and hugged me. Thank you Mrs.Harding. I said smiling. I may as well go talk to the other graduates. She said and walked away. We both nodded. So have you ever had champagne? He asked. Kinda, I had a little before. Okay I'm going to go get us a glass. He said. Okay babe. I said smiling. He walked to the small table and poured champagne into two glasses. He grabbed a piece of cake. He walked back and handed me the glass. Thanks babe. I said smiling. Your welcome babe. He said smiling. He took a sip of the champagne. I took a sip of the champagne. He took a bite of the red velvet cake. Here babe. He said and gave me a small piece of the cake on the fork. Some of it fell down my dress. Shit. I said quietly. Brendon looked down at my cleavage. Here babe let me get a napkin. He said and walked off to the table. He came back with a napkin. Here you go babe. He said smiling. Thanks babe. I said smiling. I grabbed the napkin and cleaned off my cleavage and took the cake piece out of my bra. He watched me intently. Brendon. Some tall brown haired guy said smiling. Dallon? Brendon asked. Yeah man. He said smiling. They high fived and hugged each other. What are doing here? Brendon asked. I'm just visiting family and saw that they had a graduation at the school you teach at so just decided to come here. He said smiling. That's great. He said and nodded. So who is this? Dallon asked. This is Skye my girlfriend. He said smiling. Oh it's nice to meet you Skye. Dallon said and exstended his hand out. I took his hand and shook it lightly. Nice to meet you too Dallon. I said smiling. So did you wanna go sit down and talk more? Dallon asked. Um sure. Brendon said and held my hand tightly. We all sat down at the round table. So where did you two meet? Dallon asked. Um we met here. Brendon said. Oh is she a teacher? Dallon asked. No she um was my student this year. He said and held my hand under the table. Oh that's cool. Dallon said smiling. Yeah. We both said. Then my friends came over to us. Skye lets go dance. Devon said. I looked at Brendon. Go ahead babe have fun I'll catch up with Dallon. He said smiling. Okay I'll be back soon. I said and Devon pulled me by my arm to the dance floor.
We all danced a few songs then I walked back to Brendon and Dallon. I was sweating badly. Hey babe. I said and ploped down on the chair. The girls all sat on the other chairs. I saw you dancing babe your pretty good. Brendon said smiling. Thanks. I said smiling. You look tired. He said smiling. I am. I said smiling. You are sweating almost as much as when we fu-. never mind. Brendon said smiling. Fuck. Devon said. Yes thank you Dev. Brendon said. I like her. Dallon said smiling. Yeah she's not afraid to voice her opinion or speak for others. Brendon said smiling. Dallon smiled. Then a slow song came on called Before You Start Your Day by TØP and Brendon got up. My lady may I have this dance? He asked and bent down and kissed my hand. Yes you may. I said and got up. All of the girls squealed as we walked to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. I laid my head on his chest and we swayed lightly to the song. The song was almost over and Brendon dip kissed me. I love you Skye. He said and pulled us back up. I love you too Brendon. I said smiling. We walked back over to the table and all the girls and Dallon cheered. You guys are so cute together. Dallon said smiling. I am actually fan girlying over here. Rylie said smiling. Dallon got up and took Faiths hand and asked for a dance. She smiled and blushed. Yes. She said and got up with him. They both danced together. I laid my head on Brendon's shoulder. He kissed my head and laid his head on my head.
We all got done at the dance and me and Brendon got our bags and brought them to hotel we were staying at that night. We both got ready for bed and cuddled till we fell into slumber.
This is the last chapter of this book I am putting a sequal up called Always up soon tonight or tomorrow so I hope you liked the book so far get ready for the sequal. Love you guys I will see you in the next book buh bye.

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