Separated *Sequel to Amazing Life*

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(Picture of Alyssa on the side)

Chapter 1

12 years later

Jamie’s POV

(Alyssa changed her name to Seraphina, or Sera for short)


I strolled down the streets of London, taking in the air, it felt different here, I loved it, for some reason I felt like this was where I belonged.

I sucked in another breath of air, twirling around in the grey streets, the clouds were beginning to cover the sun and I couldn’t help but feel déjà vu, like this had happened before. It all seemed so familiar.

I past a stand on the street that was covered in various magazines and papers and I stopped when one caught my eye.

12 Years later and still missing, One Direction’s Liam Payne and his wife Hayley Payne have been without their daughter Jamie Payne for twelve years, leaving readers and fans wondering if they will ever find her.

Shivers ran down my spine, how sad, to be missing for so long from the people you love and care about, it sounds dreadful, I could never imagine being away from my mother for twelve years, and with a total stranger at that, Lord knows what that person may attempt to do.


“Sera, is that you?” My mums frantic voice made the hairs on my neck stand, that always happened when she spoke or got close to me, it was as if thousands of mini alarms went off inside of me, but of course I ignored them, I mean, I have lived here for seventeen years and she has yet to cause any damage, why start now?

“Yes mother!” I called, taking my shoes off at the door and walking into the kitchen where she was unpacking dishes

“Where were you?” She asked as soon as I came into view.

My mom and I looked nothing alike, leaving me to believe I looked like either my father, or I was adopted. While my mom had blue eyes and light blonde, insanely curly hair, I had a darker blonde, almost brown hair, with big chocolate eyes; I have been told many times that I resembled a puppy.

“I went for a walk after I finished unpacking my room.” I said, using my fingers to brush through the tangles in my long hair.

“Sera, how many times have I told you to-“I cut her off mid-sentence.

“To lay low, yes I know mum, I just.” I let out a loud sigh “I don’t understand why we have to lay low, I am sick of laying low.”

My mom sighed, hair falling from her curly pony tail, her eyes looked tired, and her face read annoyed.

“Seraphina, I have told you time and time again not to ask questions, just do as I ask, now please go put away your clothes or something.” She said, running a hand over her face.

I growled before stomping down the hall and into my room, slamming the door hard enough to make the pictures shake.

I pulled the magazine I bought out of my backpack and started flipping through the pages, is stopped on the one about the One Direction kid.

Still missing, Jamie Alexis Payne was kidnapped twelve years ago today, leaving sources to believe she will never be found. Hayley Payne says “I will never give up on finding my little girl, and I am begging anyone who may have any information about her whereabouts please, come out about it.” Jamie’s twin brother Will Payne, age 17, also says “We will find my sister, no matter what, no matter where, no matter who, we will find my sister and we will find Alyssa and bring her to justice.” Below is a picture of Jamie the day before she was kidnapped and to the right is a picture of what she may look like now. If you have any information about where she may be you can go to.

I looked at the two pictures intently, my heartbeat picking up dramatically. I jumped up from my bead and towards a box lying in front of my closet; I practically ripped the box apart trying to open it. It seemed as if everything slowed down for a moment, and I was the only thin actually moving at all.

 I pulled two pictures from the box before sitting back down and laying them next to the pictures in the magazine.

The pictures looked identical, the picture of Jamie before she went missing, and the picture of me when I was five, the picture of what Jamie would look like now, and the picture of me now.

This all seemed so unreal, it couldn’t actually be true.

That would explain why we move so much, and why I was always homeschooled and never allowed to get a job, why I only rarely ever left the house, why mom had our food delivered, why we almost always stayed home, why mom didn’t have a job. It all seemed to add up at this moment. I let out a shaky breath and looked at the door, almost expecting mom, or Alyssa, to bust down the door and attack me.

No, she wouldn’t hurt me, I mean, it’s been twelve years and she hasn’t touched me, that I know of, why start now?

I stood to my feet as I came to a conclusion.

I am Liam Payne’s missing child.

I pulled my laptop out of its case and opened it, waiting on it to power up. It seemed to take forever, as I suddenly felt very anxious to get out of this house and away from Alyssa as quick as possible.

I typed in the website and waited as it loaded, I clicked on Jamie Payne, or me, and typed a message.

“I am Jamie Payne”

Separated *Book 5*Where stories live. Discover now