Chapter 2

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This is all I am posting tonight, I hope your content with this for now, I will try to update more tomorrow! I love you guys!! VOTE AND COMMENT!!

- Hayley




Chapter 2

Jamie’s (or Sera’s) POV


“I am Jamie Payne.” I pressed send and waited for a reply, a face popped up and instantaneously a message popped up beside it.

“Are you sure?” I laughed a humorless laughed before typing back.


“We will need proof, do you have any pictures?” I nodded but realized she couldn’t see me, so I entered another memo.

“Yes.” I sent my reply along with a picture of myself twelve years ago and a picture of me now and waited for a reply, hoping that it came quickly along with my rescue.

Third Person’s POV



Molly Castro was just sitting at her desk, playing Flappy Bird on her phone, waiting for her shift to end, when her computer beeped, making her bird hit a pole and die. She cursed before setting down the device and looking at the screen in a bored expression.

“I am Jamie Payne.” The message said, making Molly laugh, of course this kid was Jamie Payne, any girl would love to pose as Jamie Payne, just to get close to her parents and heartbreaker brother, and amazing little sister.

“Are you sure?” Molly replied


“We will need proof, do you have any pictures?” Molly asked, looking at her phone, checking the time, it was almost time for her shift to end, and she could finally go home and watch Titanic again, with her cat, Moses.

Yes.” Came the reply, along with two pictures. Molly gasped at the resemblance between the pictures on the missing ad and the pictures on her screen.

“Rick, you may want to see this!” Molly called to her boss, who strutted over to her section and placed his hands on his hips.

“What’s up?”

“We got a hit on the Payne kid.” Molly said, typing some words onto her screen, making the pictures appear side by side.

“Wow, Uhm okay, let’s find out where that kid is and get some local authorities there, fast.” Rick directed

Molly’s fingers flew over the keyboard.

“Send me you address sweetheart, we will send some cops over and get you out of their as soon as possible!” Molly sent the last message, and as soon as the reply came with Jamie’s address she called the police, alerting of them of the situation.

“Don’t worry kid.” Molly typed out “You will be out of there soon enough”

Hayley’s POV


I sat on the couch as my fifteen year-old daughter, and seventeen year-old son sat on either side of me, and Liam on the other side of our daughter, we intently watched the TV.
“It’s got to be Peeta.” Alexia smiled smugly

Will shook his head with a smirk “Nah, Peeta is probably going home, my bet is on Derek.”

Liam laughed humorlessly “Your both wrong, it’s going to be Sean who wins, what do you think Hayley?” He directed the question to me. I opened my mouth to answer but I was cut off by our landline ringing, making us all jump.

“It’s probably Eliza asking me to help with dance classes tomorrow; you know her assent just had a baby.” I rambled as I walked over to the phone and accepted the call, not even bothering to check the number.

“Hello?” It came out more of a question than a statement.

“Mrs. Payne?” A deep voice on the other side made me swallow hard, and Liam noticed, he stood up and walked over to me, making the kids lean forward as well.

“This is officer Lanord, we found your daughter.”

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