Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Luke’s POV


My phone vibrated again, for the thousandth time in the last twenty minutes. I finally opened my eyes, reading five missed calls from Jamie.

I rolled myself out of my bunk, confusing playing in my mind as I trialed into the kitchen.

Why was Jamie calling me?

A note was taped to the fridge, as if reading my thoughts. I tore it off the fridge and read it aloud to myself.

‘Going for a run to clear my head, I’ll call you if I need you.

Xx Jamie’

I’ll call you if I need you, she must need something.

I ran back into the bedroom and shoved Will, making his eyes blink open.

“I think something’s up, Jamie’s gone and I have a bunch of missed calls from her.”

He rolled over and pulled his phone out from under his pillow.

“I do too.” He yawned, trying to call her back.

“She isn’t picking up.” He frowned, sliding out of the bed.

“Aaron, Jacob, wake up.” I shook the two lads, they both rolled out of their bunks, landing on the floor across from each other.

“We can’t find Jamie.” I said, making them wake up instantly.

I slid on my shoes, as well as the other boys and we each made our way towards the door.

“If she’s going for a jog I think I know where she wen-“ My sentence was cut off by a gunshot ringing through the air. The color drained from my face, as well as Will’s.

“Aaron call the cops!” I yelled, jerking the door open, Will and I took off running.

We ran until I saw a figure in the distance, I could see a body laying the ground; they looked like they were crawling.

The person above them was walking slowly, a gun held firmly in their hand.

“That’s Alyssa!” Will yelled, speeding up dramatically. I was right on his tail as we grew nearer and nearer, but they still seemed so far away, and I just knew I wouldn’t make it in time.

I could hear a siren in the distance, but I knew that just like Will and I, they were too far away.

Alyssa held the gun to Jamie once more, aiming for her head, but Will jumped, landing on Alyssa. The gun went off and Alyssa gasped as she hit the ground.

I moved to Jamie and pulled her into my lap, holding my hand to her back to attempt to stop the flow of blood.

“Jamie, Jamie, oh, please be okay.” I cried. Tears stained my face as I held her to my chest. I could feel her heart beat growing slower, and slower as I rocked her slowly.

“Jamie, I love you. I’ve always loved you. I need you do be okay. I need you to live. For me. You don’t deserve to die.” I cried “I need you to live, so we can get married and have kids that look like you.” Jacob and Aaron appeared, running to Will who was still lying on the ground, as well as Alyssa.

“Jamie I love you. Please be okay. Be okay for me.”

The paramedics arrived and took Jamie from my arms, loading her into the back, followed by Will, and Alyssa.

Aaron brought a large SUV around and we all climbed in, racing towards the hospital.

“Hey Uncle Liam, uh, you and Aunt Hayley should probably get one a plane. Jamie’s been shot. Yeah, uh Alyssa. Will and Luke got there just before Alyssa shot her head, yeah; we are on our way there now. Okay, I’ll call everyone else, don’t worry about it, yes, I will. Okay, bye.” Jacob whispered, trying to keep the conversation from my ears.

Jacob called the rest of our family, giving them all the same spiel. I assumed they would all stop what they were doing and jump on the first plane here, because that’s what they did.

That’s what family did.


We arrived at the ER twenty agonizing minutes later and I ran inside. I hadn’t noticed I was covered in Jamie’s blood until Aaron pointed it out. I knew I looked crazy, running into the ER covered in blood, but I didn’t care.

“I need to see Jamie Payne!” I yelled to the girl at the front desk, she looked slightly taken back but composed herself quickly. She typed a few things into her keyboard before frowning slightly.

“Miss. Payne is still in surgery, but her brother is in room 204.” She directed. I nodded and ran through the door, searching the halls for room 204.

“Are you okay? What’s happening?” I stuttered once I entered the room.

“I’m fine, I just have a broken wrist.” He mumbled, running his good hand through his hair.

“What about Jamie?” I questioned.

She shook his head, tears spilling from his eyes. “I don’t know, but the paramedics said it didn’t look good.”

I sat down on the edge of Will’s bed and placed my head in my hands and cried, Jacob and Aaron sat down on the couch, squeezing their eyes shut as they tried to avoid tears.

“What about Alyssa?” I asked, breaking the silence. My voice was hoarse, but I didn’t care.

Will rubbed the palms of his hands against his eyes, smearing the tears into his skin. “She uh, she shot herself when I landed on her. She died instantly.”

I closed my eyes again and sat in silence. The only sound you could hear was our unsteady breathing, and the sounds of people running around in the hall.

I knew I had been right. We hadn’t gotten there soon enough.

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