Chapter 10

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Sorry for not updating, life is insane. SO, VOTE COMMENT ECT....

I gotta go make me some lunch--- I'm about to starve.

WHO IS READY FOR SUMMER VACATION?? I'm leaving for holiday soon, going to the beach FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE AND I'M SO FLIPPEN EXCITED!! Any tips, or stuff I may need to know??

Love you guys!!

- Hayley





Chapter 10

Jamie’s POV


“Jamie, wake up sweetheart.” A voice calls out from the distance. My eyes flutter open, and I expect to be met by the sun, shining in from my balcony door, but it isn’t, the door isn’t even there. I sit up and rub my eyes groggily, taking in my surroundings. I was in a dark room, the only lighting was a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, the walls were a dark grey with white trim, the floor looked to be covered in black and grey carpet, and I was lying on an old mattress, which was resting on a metal bed. The sheets were stained and partially ripped from the mattress, revealing many more stains. There was a white door to my left and a white door to my right I slowly stood from the bed and opened the door to my left; there was a bathtub, a toilet, and a sink, along with a slightly cracked mirror above it.  I was afraid to leave the room, but I was starving, and I had a killer headache. I slowly opened the door and crept down the old staircase, I heard voices, two men and a woman, I believe.

I peeked around the corner of the stairs and a gasp escaped my lips before I could stop it, making me jerk back around. So many thoughts swarmed around my head, but one thought stuck out more than all the others.

What was Alyssa doing here?

I jerked up, cold sweat brimming my forehead, tears forming in my eyes, that dream was so real. I was happy to see the balcony doors letting the sunlight shine into my room, lighting up my mood slightly. A knock on my door made me wipe my eyes and sit up straighter; I didn’t want my family to know I had another nightmare.

Alexia popped in and sat on my bed, her head tilting to the side slightly.

“You had another one.” She stated, her lips forming into a small frown.

“Yeah, it’s just my nerves though.” I said, more to myself than her.

“Well, you better get ready, today is the big day.” She said with a sigh, walking towards my closet and swinging the door open.

Today was a big day, today was court day, and I was scared as heck.

What of exactly? Not sure, I just was. It’s like being scared of the dark. You don’t exactly know what you’re afraid of, because there isn’t anything there; you just know you’re afraid. Because you can’t see what’s in front of you. And that was my issue; I couldn’t see what was in front of me.

I showered and put on my makeup before curling my hair into small ringlets. I was wearing a pair of blue jean shorts and a pink lace shirt with a white tank underneath. I just stood there for a moment, looking into my mirror, thinking about how far my life had come in the past month, I went from an only child with a single mom who could barely afford to pay the bills, to the middle child of a rich, pop star, family.

“Jamie, honey, we are leaving.” Mum walked into the room and smiled, taking in my appearance.

“You look gorgeous.” She gushed, before turning serious.

“You’re missing something though…” She trailed off, walking slowly towards me and taking a necklace from her neck and placing it on mine. It was a single chain which was connected to an infinity sign, which was covered in small black diamonds.

“This is beautiful.” I smiled

“Your father got it for me while we were on our honeymoon, take care of it, those are real diamonds.” She smiled back.

“You girls ready?” Will asked from the door

“Yeah, I’m ready.”

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