Chapter 5

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I am working on another book that is very important so expect slower updates on this book, sorry! Vote and Comment anyways!

- Hayley

(Picture of Jamie on the side)


Chapter 5

Jamie’s POV


My hair was half up-half down, with part of it pulled into a twisted braid, my makeup was light, and my outfit was strapless blue and red plaid shirt and skinny jeans, with a pair of brown cowgirl boots to complete it.

I didn’t want to dress up, but I didn’t want to look like a total slob either, I mean, I haven’t seen these people in twelve years; it’s like first impressions all over again!

The doorbell rang, making me jump ten feet in the air. I was honestly terrified to meet these people; I didn’t want to mess this up.

“I’ll get it!” My sister’s voice called, and I was suddenly grateful I wasn’t an only child anymore.

I knew I would have to face my fears sooner or later, so after the doorbell rang again a few moments later, I ever so gracefully, clomped down the staircase.

I tripped over the last staircase and started falling towards the ground; just before my face made contact with the hardwood someone grabbed my arm, jerking me back into an upright position.

I was met with a gorgeous pair of brown eyes, and I mean gorgeous, not like my chocolate puppy eyes, no, these eyes sparkled with flecks of gold, and were surrounded by thick eyelashes, that I had the urge to touch to make sure they were real. His hair was a dark brownish/black color and his skin was a tanned, he had a noticeable tattoo on his wrist of a ying-yang sign, but my eyes were still focused on his eyes.

“Let me guess.” He smiled, showing off a row of perfect teeth. “The floor needed a hug?” His British accent rang loud and clear, making me knees go weak.

“No.” I laughed “Random gravity check.” It was now his turn to laugh

“Well, gravity seems to be working; I don’t know if you remember me, I’m Luke.” He smiled, stretching his arm out for me to shake; I grabbed it and shook gently.

“S- Jamie.” I caught myself; he didn’t seem to notice my mistake as he led me to the kitchen.

I was suddenly overwhelmed by the number of people standing in my kitchen, talking, eating, laughing; a guy in a striped shirt was even dancing in a chair. I slowly started backing out of the room but Luke caught me, leading me back to the center of the room.

“Look who I found!” He said, making the room hush for a moment, before they all cheered and gathered around me.

They hugged me, asked me if I remembered them, asked how I was, before passing me to the next person.

“Guys!” My dad was standing in a chair with his hands cupped around his mouth. The crowed of people went silent, and I stumbled out of the crowed and towards him, he placed his hand protectively on my shoulder and continued.

“Give her some space, she just got back.” He smiled gently at me, making me feel safe.

“Jamie, this is Louis, his wife Ellie, their son Jacob.
Niall, his wife Eliza, their son Aaron and daughter Paige,
Zayn, his wife Demi, their son Luke, whom you have met, and Destiny,
and this is Harry and his wife Lilith, and their kids Joshua, Adam and Riley Lynn.”  My mom introduced me to everyone, and instead of feeling overwhelmed, and afraid like I had before, I suddenly felt safe, and loved. All of these people were looking for me, for twelve years. For twelve years they stood by my family and supported them as they looked for me.

This is the family I have been missing for twelve years.

I was suddenly filled with rage and hatred toward Alyssa, I was beyond mad that she had ever taken me in the first place.

And when the trial came, I would make sure she would never see the light of day, ever again.

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