A day to remember

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So it's Friday and today should be good today is joes football game. He asked me to wear his jersey today and I'm happy this is the happiest I've been all my life. I'm at my happiest when I'm with joe he makes me laugh and he can make me mad to but only sometimes and Omg I like Joesph Anthony Ramirez. After all these years we've been best friends I like him more than just friends. Well I'm going to have to figure my feelings out later because right now I'm trying to get ready for the game. I'm going simple my hair braided as always and his jersey and jeans and some nikes because I'm plane like that but oh well. I'm driving to the game because joe stayed after school to have a last minute practice with the team and he let me drive his car home to get ready. I left 45 minutes early so I could get something to drink from the snack bar and get some candy also to get the best seat which is in the middle of the stadium and on the bottom of the bleachers.

*45 minutes later*

It's half time and we are winning by a lot and just as I'm about to go on my phone joe comes up to the little wall they have dividing the bleachers and the field .

He says well taking off his helmet " can I have some of your soda Ali " .

I say " no you can't but I got you a nice cold Gator raid " holding it up to him.

He pouts at me and says " please Ali bear I want some of your soda just a sip "
I think about it but his face is to cute to say no to " fine Joey bear you can have some just don't drink it all and hurry because your coach looks like he's going to have a cow".

With that he goes to the locker room and I ask this kind lady that I was sitting next to if she can watch my stuff well I go get more candy and she said of course. So I went to the snack bar and I get my candy and I go sit back down and thank the lady for watching my stuff. Halftime is almost over the band and the color guard girls are finishing up there performance. Once there done the football players come out running and the game goes by in a blur. We won of course and now I'm back in joes car on our way back to his house he breaks the silence

He says " hey Ali there's a little kick back that's happening tonight with just my teammates and their girlfriends do want to come with me " .

I think about it but he seems like he really wants me to go so I will support him " yes I will go but is there going to be alcohol? "

Joe looks at me " well yea I think so ".

I smile and say " cool because I want to try some " .

Joes face was priceless he says " your joking with me right "

I say " no why would I joke around I want to drink tonight is there a problem " .

He shakes his head no then I say " good ".

We get to his house and he goes to shower and I sit on his bed and go on my phone. Then I remember I still have his jersey on so I pull it off and he walks in saying

"Ali hey I was thinking -OH MY GOD "  then he closes the door and curses under his breath.

My face is burning by now and I quickly find a shirt thats presentable I rub my face and say

"Joe you can come in I'm dressed ".

He comes in fully dressed and has his shoes on and his hair combed with gel in it. I feel so embarrassed he just saw me in my bra great. The room is silent for a minute

I say " it was my fault I should of just waited till you got out of the bathroom to change I just wanted to make sure I gave you back your jersey".

He says " don't worry about it shit happens I didn't see anything and by the way keep the jersey for next Friday".

We both laugh and we are back to being comfortable around each other and I'm glad. After all that we decide to start driving to one of his teammates house and it's silent but a comfortable silent. We arrive and joe knocks on the door and a guy answers the door and I'm guessing he's apart of the team.

He says " joe you made it I was getting kinda worried about you " he glances are me and says " hi I'm Landon but just call me lan for short " he ends with a smile.

I smile and put my hand out " nice to meet you I'm Aliyah but just call me Ali for short ".

After that joe takes my hand and we go to the kitchen and I'm immediately hit with the smell of liquor I'm about to get me a cup when joes whole team rushes me so joe introduces them one by one

He says " This is Rudy, Jose, David, Jesus, Aaron, Leo, Carlos, Edward, and Damian there are a ton more of them but they couldn't make it ".

I say " hi I'm Ali nice to meet all of you and you guys did a phenomenal job out there on the field" I ended that with a smile.

They all stare at me for a while and Jesus says " she's even more beautiful than you described her " he ended with a wink.

If looks can kill Jesus would be dead right about now the way joe is looking at him. Joe wraps a arm around my waist and pulls me to where all the drinks are. But not before glaring at Jesus one last time.

He asks " so what do you want to try first "

I look at the shelf and say " I want to try vodka "

He says " coming right up " he gets two cups and pours us half of cup each and give me a cup and says " cheers".

And now I'm here in a circle playing truth or dare it was Jesus's turn and he had a evil grin.

He said " I dare joe to take Ali to a room and stay in their for 5 minutes" .

Joe says " okay easy come on Ali ".

So me and joe go up the stairs and into a empty room and stupid me I almost fall but he catches me and he picks me and when I stand up all the way my mouth is literally almost touching mine.

He says barely above a whisper " Ali can I kiss you please " He squeezes his eyes shut trying to control himself.

I say a breathless yes.

He doesn't waist no time he closes the space between us. He pushes me against the wall lightly and we are about to deepen the kiss when the door opens and Landon and everyone comes in and starts whistling.

Landon asks " what were you guys doing" he says with a wink.

Joe says " what I've been wanting to do for years"

He kisses me slowly and jolts of electricity run through me as I loop my arms around his neck and we stop because we have a crowd. We all go back down stairs and I go to get another drink when someone wraps there arms around me from behind.

He whispers in my ear " wanna go home so we can cuddle ".

I nod and he grabs my hand and say our goodbyes to everyone and now we are in the car and on our way home. What a night I just found out joes been wanting to kiss me forever and he kissed me twice what a night.

End of chapter three I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter leave me me comments and tell me what you guys want to happen and I will try to make it happen but hope you liked it ☺️☺️😁!!!

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