The day a friendship takes a turn for the best !!

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So I wake up with a huge headache and I pat the space next to me and its empty. I sit up slowly and all the memories start rushing in and I remember joe kissing me and I blush just thinking about it.  I lift my head up and look at his dresser he has next to his bed and I see Advil and a note card. I take the Advil and I read the note.

" dear Ali I'm out planning a special day for us so when you read this just know I have special plans for just you and me and no I don't regret the kisses we shared I enjoyed every second of them and I can't wait to see you at 4:00

-Love joe

Ps. Just dress like you always do and braid your hair I like it when it's like that

My face is probably as red as a tomato right now. I'm glad he doesn't regret the kisses because I don't and I can't wait to see what he has planned. The fact that he likes when I braid my hair it makes me blush even more. So I finally check my phone and it's 3:00 already and I have exactly a hour to get ready. I took a shower and once I got out I got got dressed in some jeans and a Nike shirt with my favorite nike shoes. Lastly I braided my hair and sprayed some hairspray in my hair so it can stay. By the time I'm done with all of that I start walking down stairs wen I here my moms voice and I freeze

I hear her say " yea joe and Ali went on a trip about a week ago ".

Then I hear joes mom say " No they haven't they've been here the entire week ".

I think oh shit oh shit I'm in deep trouble.

My mom asks joes mom " is Ali here right now "

Joes mom says " yea she's up stairs "

Right then I know I need to leave like right now so I run back to joes room and close the door slowly. I glance out the window and then it clicks yes the window I can just climb down joe has a latter there and I open the window and I step out and put myth out the window and then I swing the other and just when I'm about to climb down someone grabs my wrist and I look up and it's my mom great.

She says " there you are I've been knocking at the door for a long time and here you are climbing out the window" .

I don't even have the time to respond because all I know is that she pushed me and now I'm falling and I can't stop myself. When I hit the floor I hear a crack and I know I broke my wrist because I can't feel my fingers but I push passed the pain and run as fast as I can because she was almost down the latter. I finally stop when I don't stop because she's not chasing me anymore and I sit on the curb and start crying because I'm in pain and my mom pisses me off because how can she do this to me who does this to her own daughter I'm deep in thought and I know it because I see joe pulling up next to me and get out the car and rush to me and pick me up and put me in his car and then before I know it I'm at the hospital and their putting my wrist in a cast . Joe is holding me on the hospital while we wait to be discharged.

Joe asks " what happened A- bear ? "

And that's all it took for me to break down and bury my face in his chest and cry.

I tell him " I- I was walking downstairs and I heard my mom and your mom talking to each each other and I stoped and then my mom asked if I was here and your mom said I was up stairs and I ran to your room and was climbing out of the window when she pushed me and I fell and landed on my H-Hand and I just started running because I didn't want her to do anything w-worse" .

He doesn't say anything but rub my back and kiss my forehead and then he hits me with this question

Joe says " Ali Marie Moreno for the longest time I've liked you more then a friend. I've always liked you and no girl can ever be as perfect as you in my eyes because your all I see and last night when we kissed I felt like electricity was being jolted through me and I've never felt that with anyone but you and I want to be able to feel that everyday as long as I'm breathing I want you and only you so Ali Marie Moreno will you be my girlfriend ? I had all this planned out for today but it's okay we can go on a date another time "

I lift my head up and I wipe my eyes with my good hand and I don't even respond I just kiss him and put everything I feel into that kiss and I pull back away to soon because he pulls me back and kisses me again and he pulls away and rest his forehead against mine.

I say " of course I will be your girlfriend " .

So we finally get out of the hospital and he takes me to McDonald's and we sit and eat and we talk about anything other than my mom and what we are going to do we just hangout in our little bubble and there is no other way I would like to spend the rest of my night except with him .

End of chapter 4

I hope you guys liked chapter 4 and I hope your curiosity was answered in this chapter but once again if there's any errors or you want something to happen let me know I'm always open to add your ideas in my book but hope you guys enjoyed the chapter ☺️👌 !!!

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