New blessings

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The funeral went good well not good but you know what I mean. My dad went and he said that he would wait to have lunch with me which is good cause I needed some time. Joe has been so helpful I swear he's the best I'm lucky to have him. Right now I'm laying down pretending I'm asleep because I here joe coming up the stares. I hear him open the door and feel the bed dip beside me and I feel joes warmth surround me as he pulls me into him and has his arm around my waist .

He whispers " Gorgeous get up it's 6:30 and your dad is going to be here at 7:30 "
I say a muffled " I don't want to "

He pulls the blanket off me and gets up from the bed and opens the curtains to let the little bit of sun that's out shine into the room.

I lift my head and say " that's it no more kisses for you " and plop my head into the pillow.

He says " how dare you threaten me that way well if I can't have no more kisses than you can kiss those chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream that I made you away " .

I lift my head up and say " you wouldn't dare "

He lifts a eyebrow and says " oh but I would " .

I say " fine I'm awake and you can have all the kisses in the world but please don't eat those pancakes "

He says " that's a deal gorgeous ".

Just as I sat up my phone started going off and I looked at the person calling and it was my dad. I answer it

And I say " hey dad what's up ?"

He says " good morning sweetie I have some good news and bad news "

I say " okay shoot "

He says " bad news is that I can't pick you up for breakfast but good news is that I want you to meet someone and he is going to pick you up in 20 minutes he has a gift for you from me and you guys are going to hangout today how does that sound ?"

I was kind of disappointed that my dad was not goin g to eat breakfast with me but i guess it's alright.

I say " sure I guess that sounds okay "

He says " okay cool I'm going to let you get ready because now you only have 15 minutes but have fun sweetie ".

I say " I will try "

We hang up and I go to the restroom and brush my teeth braid my hair and throw Nike sweat suit on with some nikes. I hobble my way down the stairs with my crutches. I'm met with joe and Matt eating pancakes my pancakes. I'm glaring at them but I'm interrupted when the doorbell rings. I make my way over to the door and I open it and it's a guy probably Matt's age.

He gives me a warm smile and I study him a little and he looks like me instead of brown hair he has black hair and he's wearing a Nike sweat suit just a different color this is weird.

He says " I'm Dallas your older brother "

My jaw drops open and I say " no way really how much older are you ? "

Dallas says " I'm 22 so 5 years older and not to mention or anything but we are totally twining and I didn't expect you to not be so .... " he trails off.

I say " tomboyish you were probably expecting a girly girl right ? "

He said " yes I was but I'm glad your not girly "

I'm just about to answer him when-

Joe says " hey babe was it your d- " he stops and looks at Dallas and studies him then starts glaring at him and says " who the hell are you ? "

Dallas says " I'm Ali's older brother Dallas and you are ?"

Joe says " Oh I'm Joesph I'm Ali's boyfriend nice to meet you man "

Dallas says " you to man and Ali are you ready to go we have a long day ahead of us " .

I nod and turn to joe " I will see you later love you " I start making my way to my brothers car when I'm stopped.

Joe turns me around and gives me a soft lingering kiss on my lips and says " did you think you can leave without giving me a kiss ?" .

I shook my head no and he says " good because I love your kisses ".

I say " I love yours to but I have to go you can kiss me all you want when I get home deal ? "

He says " deal " and kisses my forehead.

Once I get into the car which was difficult because of my dumb crutches. It's silent but a good silent.

I say " your name is like my favorite football team the Dallas Cowboys "

His eyes widen he says " that's my team to and I know I got pretty lucky with a name like that "

I say " yeah me and my boyfriend love to go to the park to play catch with the football but since my injury haven't been able to do much "

He says " and you can throw a football wow .." he pauses and says " what happen to your foot ".

I say " my mom broke it when she was abusing me "

He says " wow really sorry you had to go through that al "

I say " don't worry about it I can't wait to get this off later today "

He says " well let's go get off right now because what we are going to do today your going to need both feet for it "

I say " okay "

When we get there they call me back quick and when they take it off I'm able to move my foot and it feels good and they have me walk a little bit and everything feels good and better. I say thank you to my doctor and me and Dallas head out and well he's driving

He says " here dad wanted me to give you this he said there's about 200,000 on there to pay for what he missed he said to pick a car and give them all the money right there so you don't have to make payments and then the rest just save or spend it how you want to "

My jaw is probably all the way to the floor he hands me the card and says " let's go get breakfast I will pay and then I will take you to a dealer ship "

I say " sounds good "

End of the chapter
Sorry guys I haven't updated in a while but don't worry I'm back and I'm going to try and update every other day hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment and vote 👌💙💙 !!

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