Things do get better

21 3 2

My eyes are still closed and I hear voices and sound familiar but I cant remember. I feel pain in my right foot and then it all comes back to me I went back to my moms and she beat me up so bad that I blacked out. I open my eyes and I see joe and Matt talking to a cop and there whisper yelling and I can't help but giggle and they look at me and rush to my side.

Joe says " omg Ali I'm so glad your okay right after your mom took you I had the cop follow you guys and he said right when he was about to leave he heard you scream and he ran in the house and saw your mom hit you in the head before you blacked out ".

I say " so she's in jail and away from me right " .

The officer answers " she will never be able to hurt you again so don't worry and this young man here " he points to Matt " is fit to be your legal guardian and he's already been approved so you don't have to worry about going to a foster home but before I go I need to ask you some questions ".

Matt and joe don't move they wait for him to start asking them

The officer says " alone if you gentleman don't mind ".

Matt says " no can do officer you can ask her the questions well were here she needs us for emotional support and she might tell you off if you say something wrong about this subject just speaking from experience now continue " .

The officer nods and says " Ali how long has this been going on ?"

I say " i-it's b-been g-going on for 8 years " .

He nods writing it down then says " how often "

I say "every morning before school and then at night so everyday" my throat is getting dry and I feel dizzy.

I say " is that all " joe and Matt know I've had enough and talking about it is making me feel sick.

The officer says " yes that will be all I hope you feel better soon and don't worry she will be put away for a long time".

Just when he walks out the doctor and a surgeon come in. I get worried and sit up straight.

The doctor says " hello Aliyah we have some good news and bad news"

I nod.

The doctor says " we took some x-rays and some of your ribs are broken severely as we need to put them back in place so they don't puncture your lungs ".

I nod and think wow maybe that's why it hurt to breath in my damm ribs are broken.

The doctor says " good news is that your ankle is going to be okay so the sooner we get you under surgery the better".

I think wait what about school omg I'm behind and I'm graduating this year great.

I say " okay let's do this the sooner I get better the sooner I get to go to school " with a smile on my face.

Joes says " Ali about that me and you are going on home studies till you get better and because the principal said you need time off till all this blows over " .

I say " okay that's actually a really good idea but your going to school because you are a quarterback and you need to be there for your team"

Joe says " don't worry love I'm still on the team I will go to practice but not school and still play on Fridays because as much as you don't want to admit it you need me with you "

I blush while I'm being wheeled away from my new family and I'm going into surgery with a positive attitude and smile.

* 3 days later *

This is the 3rd time I'm waking up in this damm hospital room and I just want to leave. I'm healing up nice but I'm still in a lot of pain and on top of that when fully recover from my surgery I will have to use crutches for my foot. Joe should be coming any minute and he said that it's just going to be me and him and he's bringing a movie and some candy. Also he said that he wanted to tell me something that he's been wanting to tell me for a while so let's see what that is.

Joesph walks through the door with a bag and he has the most breathtaking smile on his face and I can't believe I get to call him mine.

Joe walks over to the table and darts taking all of the stuff out and says " goodmorning baby how did you sleep ? "
I blush and say " I slept okay how about
You "

Joe said " terrible because you weren't right next me but that's going to change because you only have to stay 2 more days and then your all mine " .

He gives me a quick peck on the lips and gives me my bag a candy and starts the movie me before you. Half way into the movie he pauses it and turns to me and he smiles

Joe says " I remember when we were 5 this boy gave you a Valentine's Day card and I lost it because I knew I liked you more than friends your beautiful hazel eyes were so big and bright and your hair used to always be up in a ponytail and I used to think you were just the cutest and now 12 years later you mean even more to me and I know your it for me and your the love of my life and I can't imagine it without you so  I want to give you this promise ring and I hope you feel the same way " .

At this point there are tears going down my face and I say " Joesph for a few months now I've came to a conclusion that I'm in love with you and your it for me I don't want no one else but you and of course I feel the same way don't ever doubt my feelings for you because I love you " .

Joesph breaks out into a huge smile and kisses me and pulls away and says " say it again".

I laugh and say " I love you Joesph Anthony Ramirez okay I'm in love with you and only you "

He says " I love you way more than you can possibly imagine "

He says " your mine and only mine love "

I think to myself things do get better

They exchanged the L word what do you guys think I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I updated twice in one day I'm on a role enjoy your guys evening!!! 👌💙

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