Chapter 15

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On the monitor was his father. Who he could remember with fuzziness had died in the hospital. How was he still alive. "Dad? H-how are you alive? Last I saw you you were in hospital dying from wounds from All-Might." Izuku was nearly crying seeing a familiar face. "Izuku my son I had to fake my death so that if you ended up being a hero you wouldn't try to hunt me down and defeat me and to make All-Might think that he had bested me before finding a succesor. For that I am sorry but from what I have seen you've gotten good with the quirks I left you with but you haven't awakened the one yet but it should awaken sometime soon." He smiled. Izuku was happy he had his father with him as a villian now and he had now made friends out of Toga and Dabi. He was also sure that his debut as a villian would be a shock to the heroes. He knew he had been a hero but couldn't remember who he had known except for brief flashes of faces. "Shigaraki I want you to give my son a mission today. The heroes have nearly discovered where I am and where you guys are but it is possible to throw them off if you let loose my son in another area. Especially if it is somewhere my son knows really well." He seemingly telling Tomura to let him attack U.A area. Tomura smiled "It would be a fun game to unleash our new teammate in their base." Izuku felt happy knowing he would be able to do something outside of the base finally.

A few hours pass

Izuku stands on top of a building in his suit ready to do some damage. Tomura looks at the boy surprised at how much he has changed since he had been kidnapped. "Well time to get some exp go grind for it." Tomura said as Izuku understood that meant time to fight. Izuku jumped from his perch and landed in the street a car that was about to hit Izuku he stopped with a shockwave but he used a lot of power sending it flying into a building instantly killing the person inside the car. He smiled and began killing senselessly and eventually pros began showing up one of which had been Kamui Woods and he smiled as he activated his energy quirk and ignited the pro in flames that wouldn't be put out until he had died. With the pros dead body burnt to ashes the other pros began to worry that this villian was beyond their power but it didn't stop them from trying to stop him. Izuku effortlessly dodged each attack with his lightning speed smiling with every attack that went by until all of a sudden he switched to the offense and started attacking the pros with quick shockwaves into pressure points some being disabled from being able to move but still able to see the villian attacking and others he deemed to kill with pressure points that caused them to cough out too much blood. The area was covered in rubble, blood and bodies. Izuku was a monster he kept destroying everything with ease until he felt he couldn't activate his quirk anymore he knew this hero was Eraserhead which means the rest of U.A wouldn't be far behind so he had to hurry tso he could get his quirks back. "Izuku is that you?!" The pro looked at the boy in disbelief as the boy looked at him with animosity. The boy smiled before slashing the pros chest with a knife that had a long reach. The boy began smiling while charging the hero. All the hero did was dodge. "Izuku why are you doing this you were such a promising hero?" The boy began "I was going to be the greatest hero until I realized that heroes were only in it for fame or money. How could I say that a hero is best when I had been gone for months without help." The boy finished and began attacking even faster with the knives slowly Aizawa was having his scarf cut down and small slices were appearing in his skin where clothes had already been destroyed. "Izuku we tried to find you for a few months and then... the broadcast happened where someone who matched your description exactly was shown decapitated. We knew we had been too late and thought you had died." As soon as he finished Izuku stopped and began crying. "You guys thought I was dead that is why you stopped. I understand now." He says looking down and Aizawa goes to hug him then it happens he blinks. "Gotcha." Izuku is on Aizawa in an instant and is pinned to the ground when Izuku takes a knife and infuses fire into it. "This is gonna hurt a lot but like I care." He implants the knife into Aizawa's left eye ball, he begins screaming as Izuku's knife instantly cauterizes the wounds he is inflicting until he plucks Aizawa's eyes right out of the sockets and fires them into the air with shockwaves. "I'm sorry you won't ve able to SEE me become a better villian than any villian could be." Aizawa had managed to stay conscious. "You said you thought I had died. Why didn't you trace the broadcast back and check in case it had been a con you fucking dumbass heroes." He laughs as he kicks Aizawa in the gut sending him flying. Just as you hear Aizawa's ribs crack from the impact with the side of the building you can hear "Do Not Worry FOR I AM HERE!" The signature opening of All-Might. He lands near Izuku. "Prepare to be defeated vill... Izuku?" He began to see the villian had been Izuku. He drops to his knees. "Is it truly you young Midoriya? We all thought you had died. Your mother had a heart attack the day the broadcast happened and died from complications only a few days later." He began crying. "I'm so happy you are alive. But why have you done this?" All-Might began. "BECAUSE YOU HEROES LEFT ME FOR DEAD AND WHEN I HAD BEEN THOUGHT DEAD YOU ALL STOPPED TRYING TO LOOK FOR THOSE RESPONSIBLE!" Izuku yelled at All-Might. He then charged a full power One for All kick and hit All-Might in the jaw sending him flying next to Aizawa. "Young Midoriya I don't want to fight you but this can't go unpunished" All-Might said as he uses 100% of his power to punch Izuku into and then through a nearby building. As he lays there in a crater the students arrive now having their hero licenses. They see their former classmate in the crater and smile "Izuku is back." Uraraka and Jirou smiled and said. All-Might looked at them. "Stand back children this isn't Izuku anymore." He said ready for more from the former hero. Izuku stands up. "How could you say that All-Might I'm exactly the same person I was all those months back I came right after escaping the villians to see why there was so much damage." He smiles with his bright green eyes showing. Uraraka, Momo and Jirou all run to Izuku to hug him. Izuku smiles as they hug him. "But that isn't completely true I did come here after the villians told me to. But I am happy to see you three you were always my favourites." He smiles. "Why don't you guys come join me. The hero way of life isn't as rewarding as it would seem. At the first chance they get they will abandon you like they did me." The girls who had been hugging Izuku let go and backed up, you could see they were thinking about it. "Girls he is a villian now he is trying to manipulate you." All-Might says to them. "You mean like you did to me All-Might. You told me I would never be a hero without a quirk now look I was the number one hero candidate then I was abandoned in a second as soon as I had been captured." Izuku smiled. "I did manage to go through some files before this. And the pros have known about my whereabouts for about all but 2 weeks of my kidnapping and nothing was done to save me." He threw the files to the girls who saw that validity of his statement. Jirou was the first to walk to Izuku. "I'll be coming with you Izuku." She smiled. Next was Uraraka who also decided to join. But Momo couldn't bring herself to do it and ran back to the heroes. Izuku called out for a portal. "Bye All-Might. All for One says hi." All-Might falls to his knees and begins crying. Not only has his successor switched to villiany but had joined his mortal enemy.

Authors notes: i realize my last was so cliched and easy to guess but i kinda wanted to end it like that because i wanted to see how quickly all the guesses would come in so i could maybe change it but i decided to keep it as is.

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