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Rena's pov

It had been days since I was here, what was supposed to be a weekend trip turned into a week or more. I lost track of the time while I was here alone, I had been untied and let go, but I still stayed in the house so nobody caught me. I heard Liam downstairs wondering where he'd been, it had been too long since I had seen him.

I grabbed a little nail from the floorboards as a sense of self defence for me, I knew this wouldn't help me much, but it was better then nothing. I would do whatever I could to protect myself, I was lonely and afraid, but I didn't want to worry about being hurt again.

I jumped as the door was kicked down and hid in the closet, I didn't bother closing the door. I would get this taken care of and I would get away from here once and for all, I jumped on Liam's back as he got closer to me and fought with him. I had a little bit of an advantage over him because he had his back to me and he'd been looking out the window.


"Where'd you go Liam, you never came back. I wasn't sure I would ever see anyone of you guys again, you just left me here."

"I'm sorry, I never stopped looking for you baby girl."

"I love you Liam, but it's over. I can't do this anymore, I'll always love you."

I had stood on my tippy toes to kiss him and trailed my hands down his chest as I stuck him with the nail, I knew this wouldn't go down without a fight. But I was doing whatever I could, I could tell I was testing his patience and knew I was in for it now.

I knew the nail wouldn't do much damage to him, but I was feeling good at least getting this much. I ran from Liam and screamed as he pulled me by my hair, I was afraid he would kill me too.

"This isn't over Rena, you don't end anything without me ending it first. If I can't have you then nobody can."

I whimpered as he tightened his grip on me and hoped it would be alright, I didn't know what his problem was. I was slowly but surely putting two and two together, but I wasn't sure if I was right.

"What happened to you Liam, I mean, what's happened to you to make you like this. One minute you're happy and smiling and laughing, and the next you're fighting and abusing me and killing people."

I hoped if anybody could talk some sense into Liam that it would be me, I had been wondering if he'd had split personality disorder. Every time we were together he changed, and especially on this camping trip, I shivered as he said if he couldn't have me then noone could.

"I'm not Liam, he's been gone for a while now. I'm James, stop calling me Liam, and why would I tell you what's happened. All that matters is that I've got you."

I bit my lip as he said this and tried to get him to loose his grip on my hair, I wanted to get to know James, he'd been tormenting me. He abandoned me and I knew Liam would never neglect me or hit a girl, he just wasn't like that.

"Well James, it's nice to meet you. So what's going on with you, we can work this out. I just want to make sure you're alright, we can get you help once we leave. Can you let me go though, at least so that you're not killing my scalp."

I talked in my most soothing and calming voice I could muster and hoped he'd let me go, I stopped struggling against him and let him do him. I would do me and be me, I looked to him pleading with my eyes and hoped James would at least drop my hair.

"Don't play all goody goody with me Rena, I know what you're trying to do baby girl."

I yelped as I was shoved to the ground, I scrambled onto my backside and scooted away from the looming figure of James. He really did frighten me, I couldn't do much though to get away from him, I got to my feet shakily and backed myself against the door.

"Let me help you, you just need to tell me what happened. You know I'm always there for you, well maybe you don't know. But I am."

I moved closer to him once more and rubbed his shoulder, I expected him to slap me or something. But I hoped we would avoid that at all costs, I turned James to face me and looked him in the eyes. I was trying to search deep down in those brown eyes to see if I found any trac of Liam in them still.

"I was nearly killed myself, it was me and some friends. We were drinking and partying and got into a boat in the water and they stood on top and tipped it over. And I was in a car accident as well coming back from another party too."

I wasn't expecting him to tell me, he'd been so reluctant before. But I was thankful he finally did tell me, I sighed sadly feeling for him. I wanted to ask James who his friends had been that nearly killed him, I made him look at me and kissed the enemy once more. I waited to see if he'd say anything else.

"I'm not the  enemy here Rena, I'm really not. It's someone in the group we're with."

I gulped a bit in fear wondering who he was talking about, I didn't want to mess this up or make him mad. That was the last thing I wanted to do, I slipped my hand into his and hoped for the best. I didn't understand him, why he was the way he was, but I also did too though.

"Listen, we all go through things differently, I'm sorry you were hurt and nearly killed. But you're not dead, you're alive and well, and your family and friends, they love you Liam. And they love you too James, but you've just got to work through it love."

I wrapped him into an embrace and tried to keep him calm, I did feel bad for him. But I didn't think he was looking for sympathy, I didn't want to send him over the edge. I felt as if I already had been sending him over the edge.

"I don't want to work this out, and I don't love you, I don't even know you. Well I do know you, because I've done my research, but that doesn't matter. And I don't want sympathy kitten, I need to get you and take you home with me and never let you go."

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