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Liam pov

I got out of bed as my alarm clock went off, the sound of coffee and food sounded really good to me. I looked around the cabin to see who all was here and accounted for, I wanted to be out and explore a bit for once. We only had a couple more days here and I didn't see it any other way. I wanted to have fun these last couple of days and I wanted some time with Rena, I wanted time with everyone really though.

I panicked a bit as I didn't see Luke, I went to find someone and ask them where Luke was, I didn't even know if they'd seen him come in. I had been sleeping with Rena just snuggling her, I had gotten lost on my way back to the cabin. I thought things through and found Nia, I wanted to know if she knew anything.

"Have you seen Luke, where is he, did he come to the cabin lastnight."

I looked around, I didn't know why I was so worried, but I was. I needed to find Luke, I went to whoever I could bring myself to find to ask if they'd seen him. I was confused and knew something was wrong, I wanted to make this better, I didn't know what was going on, and I could tell nobody else really seemed to know either.

I pulled Rena into a hug and smelled her hair and took in her scent, I wasn't sure if it would be alright.

"Please tell me you saw Luke, that he came back to the cabin Rena."

I knew everybody was starting to panic now and food would have to wait, but I still couldn't help it. I started looking around for Luke, I wanted to have him back and make sure he was alright.

"I've not seen him Liam, and I don't think any of the others have either, maybe he just got lost or came back went out for another walk while we were sleeping."

I made Rena look at me and leant down to kiss her. I just needed her contact. I felt daggers being stared at us. But I didn't give much thought to that, I wasn't sure what happened, I counted everyone and noticed there was only thirteen of us. I wanted to make sure nobody else went missing.

"Are you sure, I mean we can go look for him right?"

I knew I was probably overreacting to him being gone, but he was our boyfriend in the first place.

"Of course, but if I didn't know any better Li I would think you're in love with him and worried more so about him being gone than us."

I listened to her and wondered what would happen, I didn't know what to expect, I just nodded as she said this, I didn't know what to say.

"Of course I'm going to be worried Rena, I mean he's our boyfriend and he's not here."

I waited for her response and wondered if she'd have anything to say to me at all, I didn't want to lose her either. She was different and I was afraid of losing her, I would do whatever I could for her to be happy and to feel safe.

"There is one thing, I got a letter, I'm afraid. Someone is out to get us or at least me and I don't know who it is or why they're out to get me."

I shivered a little as she said this, I watched her pull out the letter and wondered who had written this. I read the letter out loud and felt like tearing it to shreds, I wanted Rena to be safe and I wanted us all safe in the end. I didn't recognise the writing and I wasn't sure anyone else did or would either.

I picked up the letter with shaking hands, I sighed slightly not liking this one bit at all, I didn't know what to expect or how this would go, but I would do whatever it said. I would get down to the bottom of this and figure out who was tormenting me.

I love you Rena, I'm so sorry I had to do this to you. But if I can't have you then noone can, you're my every living breath, you don't see how much I love you. You'll never be able to understand, and you'll never want to be with me fully either because I'm not your one true love.

I've seen your every move, I've watched your every breath. I've seen you grow into the young woman you're becoming today, don't think for once that I'll stop and leave you be, because you're dead wrong. I'll never leave you out of my sight, you're in my trap now and I'm jot letting you go.

I can't bare to live without you baby girl, but if you don't do as I say, and you don't leave your family and friends. I will continue to kill each and every one of them, there's so much I could do to you to get to you, and there's so much I could do to get rid of your family.

Don't underestimate my skills, I'm not afraid to let you go. I'll do whatever I can to teach you a lesson, you're a little liar and you're going to tell them all the truth, if you don't then I will. You're just someone afraid of showing your true colours, and once they know the true Rena lovelis they'll hate you, just like I hate you.

You don't know half the things I know about you, I know everything. From the first time you had sex to the first time you tried drugs to the first time you killed someone, I've always been there alongside you. I'm there in your head and your heart and your chest, I'm the whisper at night that scratches at the window when the wind is blowing and the trees scratch at your glass.

I'm the nightmare in your closet that keeps you up at night, the boogeyman that makes you frightened, the one that sends chills down your spine making the back of your hair stand up on edge. The one who goes thump in the night, I would watch my back if I were you baby girl.

Don't tell the police about me either because I won't hesitate to slit your throat, I'll throw you in the grave with all the other bodies.


"I don't recognise the writing, it's pretty creepy if you ask me. Whoever this is seems like a force to be reckoned with."

I didn't know whether we should call the cops or not, we were by the water now. We had stopped long enough for me to read the letter and then started going once more, there was so much quietness going on. It was beginning to get to me though. I thought about telling them to just go home and go back to the cabin and leave me and Rena to find Luke.

"We need food Liam, we can come back and look for him later."

I looked to Calum and Zayn and nodded, I was torn, but I would do whatever I could.

"We'll be back later, we'll keep in touch."

I slipped my hand into Rena's and hoped for the best, I loved her and wanted the best for her, she meant everything and so much more to me.

"I love you, we'll find Luke and we'll bring him back kitten. It might take a little while, but we won't stop until we get him back."

I thought a moment and felt the air changing between us, I bit my lip and continued walking with Rena in silence. I smiled to myself though as I walked with her, I wasn't sure what was going on, I never knew anymore. I wanted to take her somewhere special and wanted her to be happy. I wanted Rena to feel special and loved and wanted and needed.

"I love you too, but where are we going Li, something is wrong, I can tell. But what I can't totally put my finger on."

I thought things through and wondered if she'd let me take her somewhere, I was content being with her though. I knew something had changed, but what changed I had no clue. I continued walking with Rena and found an old abandoned mansion type house, I smiled once more as I took her up the porch stairs and into the house.

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