two ; parker anderson

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"shut up richie!" parker groans. she rolls her eyes at the boy. sometimes he makes jokes at inappropriate times.

he had just made a joke about betty ripsom only having one leg. she had like betty ripsom, she was nice. there were a lot of kids going missing and parker did not want to be one of them.

all of a sudden she hears a splash behind her. she spins around and sees the new kid, ben, in the water. it looked like he fell. he has blood and scratches everywhere. he looked like he had just gotten beat up.

"holy shit! what happened to you?" richie exclaims. stan and eddie rush over to help him up.

ben sits on the back of bill's bike as they ride to the local drug store. parker grips richie hard as he's pedaling fast.

the boys and parker stop in an alley and help ben onto a crate. parker lifts up ben's shirt and sees an 'H' carved into his stomach. it was henry bowers.

"bowers did this to you?" parker asked, concern laced into her voice. richie thought parker's voice sounded like velvet. he never told her though.

"okay, parker and richie, you stay with ben." eddie instructed. richie opened his mouth to protest but eddie, bill, and stan already started running to the store.

"i'm glad i could meet you before you died." richie says. ben just gives him a blank look. parker slaps the back of richie's head.

"shut up, richie!" parker groans.

"what's your guy's names?" ben asks, trying to forget all the pain he's in.

"i'm parker," she smiles down at the injured boy.

"i'm richie, her future boyfriend." he smirks. parker immediately blushes. she didn't think richie liked her back, but she was wrong.

"richie!" parker cross her arms across her chest. her heart was pounding and she had a weird feeling in her stomach. her cheeks were still bright red because she was still blushing.

"aw, baby, did i make you blush?" richie coos. ben chuckled at the encounter happening in front of him.

before parker could answer, she heard footsteps thudding down the alley. it was the other boys with the supplies.

"stan, hand me my other fanny pack." eddie intructs as he works on ben's stomach.

"woah, that look's like it really hurt." beverly marsh said as she approached the group. parker knew of beverly, rumors flew around about her. parker didn't believe them, she couldn't.

ben smiles up at her adoringly. "no, not really."

"th-thanks for the help." bill says to beverly. he awkwardly smiles at the girl.

"yeah, no problem. maybe i'll see you around?" she says beginning to turn to walk away.

"we're g-going to the qu-qu-quarry if you w-want to c-c-come." bill offers. parker liked being the only girl. the boys usually treated her right, they gave her a good amount of attention.

beverly is pretty and her smile is so nice. the boys could think she's prettier. they might forget about parker. parker's insecure thoughts consumed her that she didn't even realize that beverly had left. the boys were in their own world.

"pa-parker?" bill asks, he places his hand on her shoulder. she snapped out of her trance. "you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine."

it was 10 pm and parker's parents still weren't home from dinner. parker was home all alone. she had gotten back at 5 pm, her parents were just leaving.

parker didn't really mind being home alone. she mostly stayed in her room, watching tv and reading a book. her favorite author was stephen king.

"parker..." a voice whispered. parker could instantly feel her heart pound. "come float with me."

parker got off her bed and walked into the hallway. she didn't see anyone.

"d-dad?" she slowly walks to her dad's office. "is that you?" she pushes the door open slowly, she scans the office and it's pitch black.

she steps in and looks for the light switch. the door slam shuts and her breath hitches. she shakily finds the light and turns it on. and when she does she screams.

the room is full of birds. crows to be exact. parker was terrified of crows. she had gotten attacked by a flock when she was younger. she's been scared ever since.

they all stare at her with black, beady eyes. then they all started cawing. it's so loud. parker covers her ears as she begins to cry.

the crows start flying at her. she sunk to the floor. she brought her knees to her chest. her tears were dripping onto her shirt. she shut her eyes tightly.

the loud crows circled around her before going straight at her. their beaks pecked at her. she could feel the sting as her skin broke.

"stop! go away!" she wailed. she took her hands away from her ears. she started to swat at the birds. "leave me alone!"

the birds are gone. it's like they just disappeared. poof! parker opens her eyes. she sees a clown. a tall, scary clown. a sinister smile, evil eyes, white skin, orange hair, and a victorian suit.

"who are you?" parker asks. she's shaking, crying, and she can barely breathe. the clown smiles. she cries harder.

"i'm pennywise the dancing clown!" the clown slowly walks towards her. "i'm here to make you float."

"no, no, no!" parker screams. she screams at the top of her lungs.

suddenly, pennywise is gone. the door to the office bursts open. her parents run in.

"what happened, parker?" her father crouches in front of her. he rubs his hand on her knee.

"b-birds. clown. here." is all parker can get out through her sobs. she can't even see, her tears blurring her vision too much.

"we worry about you, parker." her mother says from the doorway. "maybe it's those boys you hang out with.

"no! no!" parker's voice raises. her father picks her up bridal style and carries her to her room. he places her on her bed, under her blankets.

"get some sleep, darling. you're probably just tired and you're seeing things." her father's voice soothes her a little bit. he kisses her forehead before shutting off her light and leaving. he gently shuts her door.

parker shuts her eyes. she sees crows. she sees a clown hiding behind them. his sickening smile making her eyes shoot open.

she brought her blankets closer to her face. she could feel the fear setting in again. she can't even sleep without seeing the crows or that clown. pennywise the dancing clown.

her worst nightmare.

hi so i will be making it similar to the movie but since i'm going based off memory i will not be able to remember every word they said verbatim. so deal with me ok thank u.

ok bye <3

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