epilogue ; parker anderson

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parker's iphone rang. she was currently in her dressing room on set of her new movie.

"hello?" parker says as she sits on the couch.

"parker? it's mike, mike hanlon from derry."

"mike?" parker asks, excitedly. "oh my god, how are you?"

"it's back." mike sounded serious. parker was confused. what was "it"?

"what-" she cut herself off. she felt like something had just hit her. everything came rushing back to her.

"pennywise the dancing clown." she whispers.

"we all swore." mike says. the memories are still hitting parker quickly. finally, her best memory of all hits her. richie tozier. her first love.

"we did," parker agrees, "i'll be on the first flight to derry."

parker hangs up and instantly rushes to leave. she opens the door to her dressing room and sprints to the exit.

"parker?" her manager calls after her. "where are you going?!"

parker doesn't answer. she rushes over to her car and gets in. she begins to drive home to pack.

parker and her family moved out of derry when parker was sixteen years old. they moved to los angeles where parker was signed with an acting agency.

she started out small but overtime she grew to be one of the most successful actresses hollywood has seen.

she remembers her last day in derry now. she remembers it like it was yesterday.

"i want a hit." parker says, she pushes a strand of her curly hair behind her ear.

her boyfriend, richie, passes her the cigarette. she takes a long drag before exhaling the smoke. she drops the cigarette onto the ground and steps on it.

"i can't believe you're moving." richie says as he fiddles with his fingers. parker frowns. she didn't want to leave. her friends were here. her boyfriend of three years was here.

parker grabs both of richie's hands, "you know i'll call you every night. i'll write to you. and when i'm eighteen we will see each other again."

"promise?" richie looks into parker's eyes.

"promise." she cups richie's cheeks and pulls him into a long kiss. he places his hands on her waist and pulls her closer.

they pull away out of breathe. parker rests her forehead on richies. her eyes are closed.

"i love you." richie whispers. parker smiles.

"i love you, too."

needless to say, parker didn't go back derry when she was eighteen. she was working on movies, attending award shows, she was too busy being famous.

by the time she was nineteen she forgot all about derry and richie tozier.

parker hurriedly packs her clothes and other belongings into one suitcase. she's running around her penthouse in a panicked state.

she calls the airport as she drags her suitcase out the door.  she hears the person on the other line begin to speak. "he-"

"i need the next flight to derry maine." parker throws her suitcase into the trunk of her car. she quickly gets into her car as she sees paparazzi begin to take her picture.

"we don't have any flights there." the lady on the phone says.

"then make one." parker snaps.

"excuse me?"

"i'm parker fucking anderson and i need to go to derry maine, woman!" parker runs a red light.

"oh! of course, anything for you ms. anderson!"

parker taps her leg in anticipation as her plane lands. she's back home in derry. it feels so weird to her. the closer she got to derry the more memories came back to her. she feels like she just got hit with a bus.

she got off the place, collected her suitcase, rented a car, and was off to her old house. her parents never sold it and kept it as a vacation. her parents came back frequently. parker never did.

she pulled into the driveway of her childhood house and stared at it. she couldn't believe she ever forgot about her home.

she quickly put her stuff and inside. she went back to her car and drove over to the derry library. that's where mike said he would be.

she parks and walks inside. the library is almost empty. she walks to the desk that's in the center of the room.

"mike?" she whispers. he looks up and smiles.

"parker," he says. he gets up and they both share a hug. parker kisses his cheek.

"you never left derry?" parker asks. they walk over to a couch in the back of the room.

"no," he says, "i stayed which explains why i remember everything from the summer of 1989 so vividly."

"i can't believe i ever forgot." parker shakes her head. "did you call the others?"

"yes," mike says, "they all agreed to come back."

"all of them?" parker asks.

"yes, all of them. that includes richie." mike chuckles.

"richie," parker whispers.

"you forgot about richie?" mike asks, his eyebrows furrowed.


"well he should be here soon," mike says, "he seemed eager to get here."

parker and mike talked for another thirty minutes. they were just catching up on their lives. mike asked about acting, he had seen a few of parker's movies.

parker hears a car engine outside. mike gets up and goes over to the door. mike turns to parker with a smile. "it's richie."

parker feels every emotion for richie that she felt when she was thirteen. she knew she was still in love with richie. she hasn't dated a boy since. she just had forgotten about this place and him. her mind hid them from her.

parker stands. she fixes her hair.

the door opens and richie walks in. parker's knees go weak at the sight of him. he ditched his glasses, his hair is curly, his pale skin is clear. he looks good, really good.

"mike." richie laughs and gives mike a hug. they clap each other on the back.

"hey richie, how's it going?" mike asks. parker assumes richie didn't see her yet. she stands there awkwardly waiting for him to notice.

"well it was going great but then i got a call that this damn clown was back." richie jokes.

mike laughs. as he laughs richie's eyes travel the library. they land on parker. his breath hitches. his eyes widen.

parker smiles as she bites her lips.

the two hold eye contact. mike could just feel all the energy in the room between the two. he slowly backs away into his office.

richie and parker walk towards each other slowly. they never break eye contact, both scared that if they look away the other will disappear.

richie puts a hand on parker's cheek, she nuzzles into his touch.

"parker?" richie whispers, his voice cracks a bit.


the end.
wowowowow it's all over :( thanks so much for all the support and all the love <3 i really enjoyed this story and everything that came along with it !!  thank you and i love u ❤️

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