Enemies All Around Me

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"Ah Task Master, right on time. And it seems you have a new batch of Cadets for us to train. Welcome to your new home for the next couple weeks. Today you arrive as cadets but you will leave as a fully trained stormtrooper." said an Imperial Officer.

My mind trailed of during his speech. I stared into my helmet. It was the same routine garbage I had been hearing for the last couple of months. I had made a friend during that time. Jai Kell and we helped one another succeed in every task with flying colors setting new records in everything we were put up against. Certainly made the empire happy...

"Dev... Dev Moragin? You in there?" said Jai.

"Uh yeah, yeah, that's me." I answered sadly.

I hated lying to Jai about who I was and why I was here. He trusted me with some of his deepest and darkest secrets and all I did was lie to him.

"Today Cadets your test will be to start at the bottom and climb out of the Well." said the leading officer.

"The first three cadets to reach the top will have the pleasure of working as couriers in the Imperial Complex. Those who fail will be working under the supervision of the Task Master and wished they had stayed at the bottom." he added.

Suddenly a platform jutted out and floated past all of us.

'That's how we get out!' I thought to myself as I watched it go by.

Me and Jai made it into a race and like always me and him finished first and both of us set new course records. There was another boy named Zare Lioness who always finished behind us. I wondered if he ever hated me because I always finished first because he was always suspicious of me and followed me around like a hawk.

Later that night we were tasked to be couriers in the Imperial Complex just like the officer had said. This gave me the perfect opportunity to sneak into Agent Callus's office and steal the decoder so we could figure out the coordinates for a Kyber Crystal shipment and stop the shipment from reaching its destination.

'Well here goes nothing.' I said as I worked my way around the complex making deliveries and making sure to make my first delivery was to Agent Callus.


Me and Zeb hid on top of a roof just outside the Imperial Complex waiting for an update from Chopper who was our communications between Ezra and the rest of the crew. He rolled out into view turned to us and blinked morse code back to us which I scribbled down quickly before calling up to the "Ghost".

"Specter 5 to "Ghost" Specter 6 made it into the complex just as planned."

"We read you loud and clear Specter 5." Said Hera.

After checking in Me and Zeb wandered back to Ezra's old home to rest for the night.

I took the bed while Zeb slept on the couch, mainly because that was the only thing that was long enough for him to sleep on. As I drifted to sleep all I could do was worry if my beloved would return like he always did or if he would get captured, tortured, injured, or worse killed.

I struggled with the idea until exhaustion finally let me fall asleep.

'Be safe Ezra and come back to me in one piece.' I thought as my eyes closed and drifted into a dream.

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