It's More Complicated Than It Seems...

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I finally located Agent Callus's office just as he was leaving.

"Sir I have your new data pad. I can leave it on your desk if you would like?" I said running up next to him.

"No. I will take it now." he said as he turned to take it from me before continuing down the hall.

I took a few steps backwards as I watched him round the corner before walking back to his office. The door had no lock surprisingly and I was able to walk right in. At his desk was a laptop. I sat in his chair and hacked into his laptop. After a few more minutes I was able to get the laptop to give up the decoder. I placed the decoder into my helmet for safe keeping and turned to leave. Just as I was about to leave the door flew open. I expected to see Agent Callus but instead I saw Zare Lioness! No words were said as he pushed me into the room allowing the door to close behind us.

"What are you doing?" asked Zare.

"I was just dropping off Agent Callus's Datapad." I lied.

He glanced down into my helmet and saw the decoder.

He reached in quickly to grab it.

"Hey! Stay out of there!" I yelled at him.

He held up the decoder.

"I had a feeling it was something like this." said Zare.

"You see that sensor up there. If you had tried to leave the whole complex would have gone into lockdown." Zare added.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked Zare.

"Do you really want me to answer that right here right now?" He retorted with a smirk.

I swiftly put the decoder back into the laptop and we finished our rounds around the complex.

Later that night we ventured to one of the many warehouse's in the complex. I leaned up against a few crates while Zare stood there. He finally broke the silence.

"Why are you here. What do you need the decoder for?" Zare asked.

"I need it so my friends can stop an imperial shipment. You?" I said.

"My sister came to this place but then she mysteriously disappeared. The Empire said she ran away but I don't believe that." Zare said with anger and pain in his voice.

"So you will help me?" I asked.

"Well... if I am going to help you then both of us need to finish in the top three tomorrow." He said.

With a swift hand shake, we quickly departed back to our quarters for we were going to need all the rest we could get.

The next morning we returned to "The Well". This time we were armed with practice blasters and had to shoot the platforms to escape. Of course me and Jai were in the lead, but I did not see Zare anywhere. Suddenly I heard Zare yell my name.

"Dev!" he said worriedly.

"I am not going to make it!" Zare added.

I turned to Jai. I hoped he would understand.

"Sorry Jai." I said as I pushed him off of the platform we were standing on.

He fell to a platform far below me. He flicked open his helmet and stared up at me in shock.

I stared down at him regretting my decision before closing my helmet to conceal my emotions.

After the fact Jai confronted me.

"What was that!" He protested.

"I did what I had to do." I said in a depressed manner before turning to walk away.

"Good to know." Jai said clearly upset about what I had done.

I stung to hear how much I had hurt him but I had to complete the mission.

After the building closed down for the night. Me and Zare, again, went to be couriers for the night. After getting to the room across from Agent Callus's office, I climbed up into the ventilation shaft.

"How are you going to get the decoder from up there?" asked Zare.

"I have been practicing to be a jedi." I joked.

"Yeah... who hasn't." He joked as well.

The plan went into action as I crawled through the ventilation until I was above Agent Callus and his desk. Then he got up to go answer the door. Zare came up with some clever excuse and kept him occupied while I reached out with the force to retrieve the decoder. Zare did well because Callus never noticed me stealing the decoder. As I crawled over to the opposite room to get out of the ventilation I overheard a discussion.

"Inquisitor... I think we have two cadets that fit your special requirements. Dev Morgan and Jai Kell have done exceedingly well. Almost too well." said our commanding officer.

"I will be there tomorrow to inspect them." said the Grand Inquisitor.

I just found out that Jai was in danger. I needed to help him.

'I hope Sabine doesn't kill me for this.' I thought as I recorded a message for Sabine and Zeb with Chopper's help.


Today was the day. We would extract Ezra from the base with the decoder. Me and Zeb waited patiently outside the complex. Minutes turned into hours as we waited for Ezra to escape. After 3 hours of waiting past the scheduled time Chopper came out and handed us the decoder.

"Where's Ezra!?" I questioned the droid.

A projection from Chopper illuminated. It was a recording of Ezra.

"Hey guys... you're probably worrying about where I am right now and you may think I am nuts. But the inquisitor will be paying a visit to the academy tomorrow and there are some cadets in serious danger because of this mission. So I am staying in the academy for one more day. Oh and if you wouldn't mind... I could use a distraction at noon tomorrow. Specter 6 out."

With that the recording fizzled out. So did my hope of seeing Ezra again. He stayed to save the lives of cadets from the Inquisitor, but I knew deep down inside he might die tomorrow. Zeb saw my head droop and my eyes screw shut to try and cover up my tears. He reached out and held me in a tight embrace like a brother and let me cry into his shoulder till I could compose myself.

"We should probably contact Hera." He nudged.

I reached for my com and turned it on.

"Specter 6 to Ghost. We have the coordinates. Sending them to you now." I said trying to hide my emotions so they would not worry.

"Good work you guys and good work Specter 6." Hera chimed not knowing Ezra was not with us.

"Um... Hera... Specter 6 did not come out of the academy. He chose to stay so he could try and save some cadets from the Inquisitor tomorrow."

"Specter six is not with you!" Kanan raged.

"Specter 5 report!" Kanan shouted as the lines of hyperspace formed.

All I heard after that was static. The "Ghost" was gone for now and the best we could do now was continue with our part of the mission.

A Star Wars Rebels Story... ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now