What do Smugglers get?

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"Where's Hera?" I asked as both Lando and an enraged Kanan walk back onto the ship.

The doors closed behind Kanan.

"Why don't you tell her where Hera is Lando." Kanan said gritting his teeth.

"Hera is following the plan." Lando said smugly.

"What plan!?" Kanan exclaimed.

"I told Hera to take an escape pod." Lando chimed in.

"Were you not listening?" Lando asked.

Kanan stood there fuming. I really thought we were going to have to clean blood off the walls before this trip came to an end.

"Don't worry. Hera will be fine so long as we follow our part of the plan." Lando said.

"You should have more faith in our captain." Lando commented taunting Kanan.

"Our Captain..." Kanan said in a low growl.

'If Lando survives this mission it will be a miracle.' I thought to myself as Me, Kanan, and Lando walked to the cock-pit.

We waited for a while just outside of the scanners for the other ship Hera was on. We watched as a escape pod was launched from the ship Hera was on.

"See. In an escape pod as discussed." Lando said smugly.

I saw how Kanan's knuckles turned white as he squeezed the controls trying very hard not to lash out at Lando. I quickly removed Lando from the situation and we went to prep the airlock. The other ship turned as it tried to pursue us. Hera attached the pod to the airlock just in time for her to board the ship and jettison the now empty pod before going into hyperspace.

"You performed wonderfully." Lando complimented Hera as she walked towards him.

Hera put her hand on Lando's shoulder giving him a seductive smile before turning her emotions entirely and punched Lando right where it hurts most. I heard a loud cracking noise and that is when I realised Hera was wearing her knuckle brace when she punched him. Lando lost his breath and bent over in agony. I actually felt bad for him in that moment because I am not even that cruel.

"I deserved that..." He squeaked as Hera aimed to knock him out.

"But can we please get back to the mission otherwise I don't have to pay you or give you your droid back." Lando added in a more normal tone of voice.

"What was in that crate." Hera demanded.

We walked out of the airlock to find Zeb and Ezra chasing an animal around the 'Ghost'.

"That's what was in the crate." Lando said irritably.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's a puffer-pig. Grab her but don't scare her." Lando barked.

It was to late. Zeb grabbed the pig and it freaked.

"Woah!" I commented slightly surprised by the sudden inflation of a pig.

"You see. You scared her!" Lando yelled angrily.

We were cut off from the cock-pit for the remainder of the flight. We got past the blockade, but just barely.

Lando tried flirting with me one more time but that was cut short when Hera pulled him aside for a 'friendly chat'. I did not listen to the conversation but I did hear Lando scream for help a few times which made me smile a little.

I was just glad to be dropping this dead beat off soon so me and Ezra could spend some quality time together. My wish was not granted.

We landed at Lando's desired coordinates and soon we were under fire by the alien Asmorigon and his crew. The one's who got tricked by Lando's ruse that somehow involved Hera. Chopper disappeared; Lando ducked for cover; Me and Zeb broke off to flank our enemies; and Ezra, Kanan, and Hera grouped up behind some crates. The fight dragged on until the pig inflated and bounced around doing more damage to our enemies lines than our own. I saw an opening and quickly outmaneuvered Asmorigon's troops.

"I have some term's... for your surrender!" Asmorigon shouted.

"Let me have Calrissian and this one lives." Asmorigon said as Zeb dropped his bow-rifle.

Hera refused his offer. Before Asmorigon could pull the trigger, a blast from the forward cannons on the 'Ghost' shook the ground underneath the two. Zeb grabbed his bow-rifle and was the first to stand. Asmorigon surrendered and Hera gave him new terms.

"Okay. My terms now. You and your men leave and we don't kill you." Hera said sternly.

"Start walking." She added quietly before shooting at Asmorigon's feet.

They ran away into the night. Lando thanked us for our services, but we found out he did not have the credits to pay us. He tried to settle his debt with our crew and Hera with a game of sabak but Hera was smarter than that and told him that he owed us one instead.

We boarded the 'Ghost' to find Chopper had robbed Lando clean. He took Lando's spare credits, food, and fuel!

'The droid out-cheated the smuggler. Now that is funny.' I thought trying to connect with Ezra.

'Yes it is Sabine." He sent back to me while we both smiled.

'Would you like to hangout with me tonight?' I asked through our connection.

'Would I ever refuse you?' He sent back.

I smiled. Even though today was rough. Me and Ezra would still have a quiet night together.

( A/N: Yeah... I know. Another short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer. We are nearing the conclusion of season 1. Leave a comment if you think I should do a season 2 story or just end it here. I would like to know your guys thoughts. I hope you all have a fantastic day and thank you for reading! Bye! )

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