Of Two Kingdoms

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Hey guys. So I've had this idea for a while since I'm kind of a BIG Snowbarry shipper and I decided to publish it. 

I think WestAllen was portrayed too closely as a sibling relationship in the show but there may be some WestAllen fluff for those of you who like that. 

Also since this is the first chapter it's mostly backstory so it'll be very bad. Please read the second chapter before you decide if you like the story or not. 

Give me any criticism. Tell me if you like this, hate it, want me to continue...

Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of the characters. I only own the plot and the writing. 

Now on with the story!


Barry's POV

My name is Bartholomew Allen - better known as Barry - and I am heir to the throne of Arkadia. Long ago, Arkadia was a rich, peaceful kingdom then everything changed with the arrival of the Froithylians - a race of humans with the ability to control ice and snow.

These monsters were bred of an evil nature with their powers fuelled by the fear of their enemies. They might look like us and act like us but they aren't like us. There is a darkness inside each of us but most of the time the light is greater. There is no light inside the Froithylians.

They wanted to rule our world. They fought my ancestor King Leopold for the crown of Arkadia. Leopold wouldn't back down and so the Cold War began. Despite the Froithylians powers, our people were trained warriors. After months of fighting, Leopold and the Froithylian queen came to an agreement: the Froithylians and Arkadians would stay within their own kingdoms and in return there would be peace between the two.

And so the kingdom of Calerath was started beyond Devilwood Forest and the Ekelk Ice Plains. It was agreed there would be peace as long as no one crossed the border. The Froithylians have violated this law continuously, stealing people away from their homes and freezing them to death in the forest. They have caused our peace to become fragile but we have not gone to war. We try to keep the peace even if they don't.

The Froithylians like to think they are our superiors. They're not. They might have powers but that doesn't make them better. We are greater fighters than they will ever be. It is our skill and our strength of heart that make us the warriors that we are. The Froithylians' hearts are frozen. They fight for power and without mercy. All they represent is pain, misery and cold.

I've never seen a Froithylian but I've heard the stories. The Froithylians look as human as any of us but their skin is pale as frost, their eyes as blue as ice over a frozen lake. Their hair is white as snow and their souls as grey as the clouds that bring storms to our lands.

Winters in Arkadia aren't very cold and there's never more than a foot of snow on the ground. Calerath is said to be frozen over all year long and the sun there almost never shines. The weather in Calerath is malicious just like its inhabitants.

The Froithylians are known to be swift and cunning, striking with precision. Still, a well trained warrior can hold their own against a Froithylian.

The Froithylians have no weapons. They arm themselves with knives and spears of ice and ally themselves with wolves and other animals that share their predatory nature. The wolves there are white just like everything else. Color almost doesn't exist in Calerath. It's no wonder really. All these monsters are are predators. They live for the suffering of others. Their pleasure comes from victory in battle unlike us Arkadians.

We like to enjoy the simple things like hunting, art, science. We're scientists, warriors, philosophers, artists, dancers, singers and creators. The Froithylians are monsters, parasites and destroyers.

Children in Arkadia are taught to never trust a Froithylian if they're unfortunate enough to meet one. That's what I believed too.

Everything I've told you, I believed. Every word I've said is true. Or so I thought...


Caitlin's POV

My name is Caitlin Snow or, as most know me, Princess Caitlin of Calerath. Like all my people, I'm a Froithylian - someone with the ability to control ice and snow.

Our ancestors came here hundreds of years ago, seeking a home. We were met with hostility in the form of the Arkadians. Arkadia is our neighbor kingdom and we are currently at peace but it wasn't always like that.

When we first came here, their king, Leopold, demanded we leave his land. He was a cruel man who labelled us as monsters upon seeing the powers we possess. His greed, jealousy and fear of us led him to declare war. And so we fought. Our people were not warriors. We only had our powers to defend ourselves. In the many months that followed that came to be known as the Cold War (named by an Arkadian no doubt), many lives were lost on both sides as we fought. Eventually, our queen came to an agreement with King Leopold. If Froithylians and Arkadians stayed in their respective kingdoms, we would be allowed to live in peace.

Our people crossed the Deadwood Forest and travelled into the Ekelk Ice Plains. There we began our kingdom and named it Calerath in honor of the warmth we feel within despite our cold nature. We tried to isolate ourselves from the Arkadians but they accused us of stealing away their people and freezing them to death. Our peace is thin as the first layer of ice to form on the lake.

The Arkadians have always felt threatened by our powers. They fear us and envy us for our gifts. They hide behind weapons and armies, treating our kind as criminals even though they never see us. They cannot understand what it's like to be us and they hate it. They cannot have our powers and so they treat us as monsters to feel better about themselves.

I've never met an Arkadian but I know the legends. My mother has met with King Henry but has refused to tell me anything about what he's like. I only know what I've heard. The Arkadians are tan-skinned, dark-haired savages. The only colors they know are the yellow of the sun, the green of the grass and the red of blood. Their kingdom is ruled by fear. Unlike us they have no sense of community.

Our land is always covered in snow and ice which is the way we like it. Arkadians rarely get to enjoy the snow, allowing the heat of the sun to fuel their hatred of us. They don't understand us. Their souls are darker and their hearts colder than the ice we control.

The Arkadian warriors are fierce and merciless with immense skill. They fight to kill unlike us. We use our powers to defend ourselves. They are a gift to be enjoyed not a weapon to be wielded with anger.

The Arkadians use weapons of gold, silver and bronze. They decorate themselves with medals and gems, taking glory in the murder of others. They are the monsters they claim us to be.

We like to feel a oneness with the natural world. We don't make weapons. We keep wolves and bears as pets for company and friendship. We like to live in harmony. All Arkadians understand is violence.

Our children are told to never venture beyond the ice fields. We are taught the truth about the Arkadians' vindictive nature. And we believe it.

I've always believed it was true. They care for themselves more than others. They are selfish, evil creatures. At least that's what I thought...

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