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Okay so originally this chapter was like seven or eight pages but I decided to split it in two since it was getting too long. Also I haven't actually finished the second part so that actually kind of worked out perfectly for me. 

I hope you enjoy this chapter and as always let me know what you think.


Barry's POV

It's snowing lightly in Calerath. The ice plains are clear and there haven't been any Froithylians this far out of Calerath. We manage to get to the hill overlooking the kingdom with no problems. This is where we have to be careful. We don't know how visible this hill is from the kingdom and if anyone finds out who we are and where we come from, I'm about 100% sure the queen will declare war. 

I force Tempest to break into a gallop. The faster we get to 'ground level' the more chance we stand of making it to the city. Luckily, we reach the bottom of the hill quickly and even better, I spot a small cave among the snow and ice. Tempest gallops towards it, eager to get out of sight of Calerath. Cisco and Iris are close on my tail and soon we're walking out of the cave and towards the kingdom.

Sunlight dances off the ice, tracing intricate patterns of rainbows along the houses. There are Froithylians everywhere. Small children dash along the streets and vendors sell various items to the passing people. I spot little, round pastries decorated with white icing and blue snowflakes at one stand and necklaces that look like they're made of icicles at another. 

People smile in greeting to us as we pass and for a moment I'm worried they'll figure out we're Arkadians. But no one really notices us despite Iris' dark skin color which doesn't quite fit with all the white and blue. Cisco and I probably cover that. Our naturally light skin looks similar to that of the Froithylians and probably throws suspicion off. Relieved, I manage to smile cheerfully at the Froithylians who pass. I notice tension in Iris and Cisco's shoulders and bring them into an alley away from what must be the main street.

"Barry, we shouldn't be here," says Iris almost immediately.

"You were okay with coming yesterday," I counter.

"Yeah but being here makes it so much more real. Barry, we don't belong here. Sooner or later they'll figure out who we are and we'll end up causing war."

"You can't think like that. We didn't come all this way to end up running home like scared, little kids. Cisco, back me up here." 

Iris and I both turn to Cisco who seems shocked at being included in our argument. He glances from me to Iris and back and forth again before finally answering:

"I think Iris is right, we should..." Cisco trails off, staring out at the main street again. 

Iris and I exchange confused looks. I follow Cisco's line of vision to a girl buying a necklace from one of the stands. She's our age with long, wavy, brown hair that turns dirty blonde at the tips. Even from this distance I can tell her eyes are dark blue - the color of cobalt. She's wearing a sleeveless, navy blue dress that reaches about mid-thigh with lace designs from the collar along the chest and all the way up to the neck. Any Arkadian would freeze to death in such a dress even with the white, leather jacket the girl has on. 

Cisco stares at her almost mesmerized, his mouth hanging open. I snap my fingers in front of his face to get his attention. Cisco smiles shyly. 

"I guess it couldn't hurt to stay awhile," he decides. 

I smile triumphantly at Iris but she's too busy glaring daggers at Cisco to notice. The three of us head back out onto the main street and Cisco instantly makes a beeline for the brunette, Iris and I following at a slower pace. Cisco almost crashes into the girl causing her to whip her head around to look at him. Her eyes flash white but soften back to their normal blue when she sees Cisco blushing in embarrassment. Iris and I stand nearby, browsing items at one of the stands as we try to listen in on Cisco.

"You should watch your step. These streets can be quite slippery," says the girl, an amused smile decorating her face.

"I'm so sorry. I guess I was just going too fast," responds Cisco, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The brunette giggles at his shyness, throwing her hair over her shoulder. "I'm Cisco." 

The girl studies Cisco for a moment before replying:


"That's a nice name," compliments Cisco. Lisa isn't at all fazed by this, not even batting an eye at the compliment.

"You know, this street is nice but my favorite place in the city is the town square. I actually design the fountain," says Lisa. 

Design the fountain? Does she mean she makes ice sculptures in an empty fountain every day? What a weird job. Probably quite cool though, no pun intended. Cisco looks at Lisa like she just told him there's something that needs fixing (since he gets overly excited about his engineering duties).

"That's amazing. I love that f-fountain." Cisco stutters at the word fountain considering he's never seen it but Lisa doesn't seem to notice.

"Why don't you swing by sometime? You could see me design it firsthand," she suggests. 

Cisco nods eagerly, looking like an overly excited puppy. Lisa laughs, eyes sparkling. She seems nice albeit maybe a bit cold and manipulative. Maybe in another life she and Cisco could get to follow through on that fountain visit. 

Poor Cisco. I can already see him falling head over heels for Lisa. I'm going to have to remind him he can't fall for her. We don't live here. If we come here too often, we risk getting exposed. I'm about to interrupt (reluctantly of course) the moment but I don't have to. A tall man with a nearly clean-shaven head of greyish brown hair comes up beside Lisa. His eyes are the same color as hers and I assume they're related.

"Hi, Lenny," greets Lisa, smiling brightly at the man. "Cisco, this is my brother, Leonard. Lenny, this is Cisco." 

Lisa smiles at Cisco as she says his name, causing Leonard to regard Cisco coldly. He's probably switched into over-protective brother mode. I've seen it on Wally when Iris goes out to the forest with me and Cisco.

"Lisa, we should go. Mick's expecting us," declares Leonard, shooting warning looks at Cisco who nods as if talking to a general. Lisa pouts at Leonard but sighs when she sees it has no effect on him.

"Fine," she agrees. Her smile then returns as she waves at Cisco. "See you around, Cisco." Cisco smiles like a lovesick puppy which only makes Lisa smile wider.

"See you," calls Cisco as Leonard practically drags his sister away. Iris and I step away from the stand to go talk to Cisco.

"Better luck next time, buddy," says Iris, affectionately patting Cisco's shoulder. 

Cisco nods, sighing as Lisa disappears from view. I'm about to say something to try to cheer him up but the air around us suddenly gets colder, making me stop.

"What the hell are you doing here?" 


So I put Lisa and Snart in there this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed that. 

Also I realise this chapter might seem a bit short but I wanted to end it in a way that makes sense and doing it this way was pretty much my only option. The next chapter is the longer of these two parts so I hope you'll enjoy that one.

A few more Arrowverse characters will be making appearances and two of them will even take on main roles alongside Caitlin, Barry, Iris and Cisco. 

Expect the next chapter soon!

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