Cold As Ice

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I am so sorry for the long wait but school kind of made me forget I even had a Wattpad account. I hope this chapter makes up for it.

I'm not entirely happy with the ending of the chapter but I tried to fix it and it didn't really work so you'll have to forgive me for the terrible ending. 

As always please vote and comment. And as always I don't own the Flash or any of the characters. I only own the plot and the writing. 


Barry's POV

"Back so soon, Your Highness?" remarks Caitlin, smirking dangerously. Her voice is now somehow echoed, making her seem so much fiercer than before. She seems so different from that girl in the throne room. There she looked like she just wanted to protect her people and her home. Now she's doing the same but in a way that makes her unrecognisable to me even though I never even directly spoke to her.

"I need to speak with Queen Carla. We're not done talking," declares Dad.

"You have no business here. You were warned about what would happen if you set foot here again. Now you'll have what you wanted all along," counters Caitlin.

"And what would that be?" demands Cisco.

"War," says Caitlin. 

She bends her arm back and makes a throwing motion, sending a burst of cold towards my dad. The blast knocks him off his horse and sends us all into action. Cisco, Iris, the guards and I dismount, drawing our weapons. The Froithylians charge, wielding ice daggers. 

The blonde, Froithylian man comes at me, swinging a sword of ice. I block his attack, a swing that surely would've taken my head off, and duck under his arm, kicking him in the back and causing him to fall. Out of the corner of my eye I see Iris with her knives, trying to evade the ice blasts of the blonde, Froithylian girl. Cisco and several guards are engaged in battle with Caitlin whose eyes shine blinding white. 

She looks beautiful even when she's fighting. I momentarily distract myself by looking at her and I barely see the ice dagger flying at me. I move to the side seconds before it passes where I just was. 

My opponent comes at me with two swords this time, both of which I manage to dodge long enough to swipe at the snow and throw a mound at his face. The snow melts before it gets to the Froithylian and I'm reminded that we're in their element. They have the advantage here. I change my tactic, blocking every attack with my sword as I look for an opening. At one point, the Froithylian charges with his swords pointed out. I move to the side, hitting the back of the man's head with the hilt of my sword. The Froithylian crumples to the ground, unconscious. 

I look up and find myself staring right into Caitlin's eyes. She glares at me, seeing her fallen comrade. Her eyes seem to get even whiter if that was even possible. She shoots her arms out and a blizzard swirls around Cisco and the guards, sending them falling to the ground by my father. They're all either in pain or unconscious now. Cisco, Dad and a few guards struggle to get up. 

Caitlin's head whips around as she realises two of her Froithylians are down and only the blonde girl and the dark-haired guy remain. The blonde girl nods to Caitlin and raises her arms, shooting blasts of cold at Iris. Iris dodges blast after blast but the attacks bring her closer and closer to Caitlin. 

I only realise what's happening when the blonde and the dark-haired guy turn their attention to me, ice fog coming off their hands. They're not attacking but they're keeping me away from my friends. Oh no.

"Iris, look out!" I yell. 

Iris glances at me then spins around but it's too late. Caitlin grabs her arm from behind and holds an ice dagger at her throat. She nods to the blonde and the dark-haired guy and they move to stand beside her as she brings the ice dagger closer to Iris' throat. 

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