"Hey oni-chan let's go to the beach with everyone else."
"Fine, but I will be swimming ok."
" Yeah."
"Hey Haru do you miss her."
"No, cuz she left me only even if she is my sister I don't miss her."
"Are you sure cuz look over there Haru-chan."
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this the uniform but if you ask Hanako is in the same grade ask Makoto, Haru, and Rin
Third Pov
It was just a normal morning to Haru. Then Hanako woke up with a face that would scared people who are scary to other people. "Good morn..." "What!" "Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuun!" Haru shout then Makoto run in and saw that Haru was running from his sister. Then she saw Makoto and Makoto run too. They were having fun each one of them run from Hanako.
Timeskip by them running to half way from school.
"Yeaaaah you are the best Makoto!" Hanako said to Makoto "Thanks. So was American when you were their?" Makoto ask. " It was fun but I really miss you guys I was alone in school, but in the I wasn't alone the team was a family to me but I still miss you guys so much." Hanako answer the question at that time they got to school and Hanako got off Makoto's back. "Well I will be going to-"
"OMG IS SHE HANAKO NANASE!?" an student yelled and all the students run to Hanako. "Hanako can I have an authorgraf please!" They all yelled at the same time. " That is enough for Miss Nanasa please everyone go to class!" Said the principal from school and they all went to class with disappointed faces. I laughed at this I was used to t, but I need to go to class now that I have my schedule for class. Plus I have them with Makoto and Haru-anki.
Time skip by my super lazyness and sleepyness too
Rei pov
Me, Nagisa, and Gou are in the pool practicing, but then we heard laughing then we turn around we saw Makoto-senpai, Haruka-senpai, and Hanko-senpai too. They were laughing, but Hanako's laugh is so beautiful and I just can't stop thinking about it. "Hello Earth to Rei can you hear me?!" Gou screams at me "Yes!" " Are you looking at Hanako mmmmm." Nagisa said "No I'm not" I protest but I felt my face hot. 'im blushing?' I said to myself. "Yes you like her!!" Gou and Nagisa said at the same time "No i-" I was cut off by something or I should say by someone "Oye Haru stop that or else!!" Hanako said with black aura behind her and something that I didn't know was Haruka-senpai was scary of what Hanako said to him. "Fine." "That is how I like my brother." Hanako said to him.
Time skip by watching last night yaoi Im sorry guys I just love yaoi😋😋
Haru Pov
During practice I saw Rei watching Hanako. Then Rin came with his teammates and Hanako hug him and Rin hug her back. But why Rei saw them hugging he was kinda jealous. 'If you want to date my sister I'm going to talk with you right now.' "Rei" "Yes!!" He said with a his voice when he is scared. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I said "Um. Sure" he said When were far away I started talking. "I know you like my sister." "No I don't like Hanako she is your sister.!"he said with his voice when he is talking to Nagisa when he is piss off. "Ok I will tell Rin or someone less to take her to the beach next week." I said with my normal voice. "Fine I do like her, but I don't know what to say to her. Is cuz she is nice and cute plus she is world famous from swimming!." He said and he was blushing. I was smirking at that. " Ok you sh-"I was cut off by Hanako "Sorry oni-chan. Oh Rei. Nagisa told me that you are good at doing geometry so I was wondering if you could help me in my geometry homework?" Hanako said with a blush on her cheeks. "Um sure if Haruka-senpai said if is ok?" Rei said blushing too "Sure but if you are staying in his house just call me ok." I said with my brother insited and protective mode. "Nagisa Hanako is in your hands for right now ok!!" I scream at Nagisa "Yeah I will take care of Hana-chan!" Nagisa screams back at me.