"Hey oni-chan let's go to the beach with everyone else."
"Fine, but I will be swimming ok."
" Yeah."
"Hey Haru do you miss her."
"No, cuz she left me only even if she is my sister I don't miss her."
"Are you sure cuz look over there Haru-chan."
On the photo is Hanako with Rei. Ignore the dress and the hair color from the picture on the bottom is how Hanako is dress like and the hair color too.
Hanako Pov
It was 9 am and I was walking and the clothing I was were we some rips jeans with a rock style shirt and high heels boots. Then I found hair dye and the color was pink with blue. This wasn't my style nor the color I want for my hair.
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The reason I wear this to camouflage with everyone that leaves here and I know that my brother, friends, and my teammates will not want me close to them. When I got out I got wolf whistle and some comment saying " Come here mama!" and others we like " Hey come here for you can get drunk with us or do you want to have fun with us?!" I really didn't care I have to change my looks for they can't recognize me while I'm outside of the house was I stay last night. While I was walking I saw them and then they came to me ask me some questions.
"Sorry I was wondering if you know a girl named Hanako Nanase?"
"No sorry I don't know that name, but maybe go check the house that is close to the beach or that is close to a mall. I don't know so yeah. Bye." I answer Jake with sass and I walk away. Then something that I didn't know that Paul would ever say every in his life.
"Hanako I know is you so STOOP ACTING LIKE ANOTHER PERSON!!!' He said out loud and everyone was impress of what he said. Then I punch him and ran away from them. I was lucky that none of them can run and do park-out run like me. I ran for a big walk and I was a corner so I think.
"Hanako there's no way to go now."
"You think so," I said and then I jump to some stairs that was next to them and I did some tricks and I was in the rooftop.
"I know that you guys you only want me to go back but no cuz you all hate me cuz of what I did!!!!" I yelled at them and I ran away from them.
Rei Pov
We all were impressed with Hanako's action. I felt so bad for her. I had no other change to just follow her and I knew the place where she will be at. I run to the beach where we meet for the first time and the guys follow me. When we got there she was right there sitting down on a rock. i got close to her.
"Hanako is me Rei."
"What you want Rei?"
"I just came to confess to you about something."
"go ahead knock your self." I then went in front of her and I grab her hand for she can be looking at me.
"Hanako when the first time we meet I fell in love with. Your eyes are like an angel that has fallen from heaven. You are funny, nice, cool, protective, child's, and most of all you are famous. So Hanako Nanase would you like to be my girlfriend. If you said no I can wait when you are ready. I will not force you on anything. I will protect you even from the person who hurt you twice. I will not let no one hurt you emotionally and physically." I said to her and she was crying. Then she kiss me and I kiss her back. The kiss was full of regrets, loneliness, and most of it hollow.
Hanako Pov
When Rei confess to me I was crying from joy. I then jump to his arms and kiss him. I feel that the pain from the pass was gone for good. We keep kissing until Rei pull out form the kiss.
"So is that a yes??" Rei ask me with a big blush on his face. He looks like a tomato. I laugh and I kiss him again in his cheek.
"It is a yes Rei," I said and he looks at me and kisses me. So we kiss again until my teammate's bys ruined the moment.
"One leaves all the kissing when you two get marry!!!" they all said and I laughed and Rei he buries his face on my neck because of embarrassing. With all this, we all went home to celebrate that me and Rei we are together.
Third Pov
Everyone got to Haru's and Hanako's to have a small party. On their way to the house, they all bump in with Raying and his friends too.
"Oooooh look who is it?? Is Hanako the hoe and her group of idiots friends and teammates!!!!" Raying said and his friends laugh. Everyone got angry, but Hanako was soo angry. Everyone back away except for the people who barely know.
"Oookay time for you to DIE NOW RAYING!!!!!!!!" Hanako scream and everyone back away even more. Raying was to busy laughing his butt off with his friends that they didn't know that Hanako was behind them. When they all turn around they all were in chibi form and they were screaming and Hanako runs so fast that they even didn't know that she got in front of them.
Haru Pov
When Hanako was 100% angry me and the others back away, but when they got her angry she was extremely angry. She runs to them and then she kicks their butts and they were all tie up.
"Hey, oni-chan."
"Do you have some muster, peppermint, and ketchup??" When she asked me this question and we all turn pale. Then the Gomez's twins got out what Hanako ask for. What she did was to put it on all the bullies nose and mouth. They were screaming for help, but we didn't get close to them nor Hanako. The reason was that we don't want to die right now, so we let Hanako bother them for a while.
she did this to the bullies
Hanako Pov
When I was with them they were crying and they keep begging for forgiveness but I said no. Before we all left I put some lipstick on and I wrote 'I'm an Idiot from America!!' With all this I got tired and Rei pick me up so I was on his back and I fell asleep. When We got home I woke up because Rei was trying to wake me up. I look at him and I kiss him and went inside the house to change my clothes. When I got out of my room Rei was waiting for me next to my door.
"Hanako are you ready to go downstairs?"
"Sure. Let's go." I answer him and we went downstairs and everyone was there. I couldn't wish for something else. The only thing I can wish for is a happy life with the people I love.
Authors note
Hello, guys, I'm guessing this is the end. Well no, the reason is that I'm going to time skip it to the graduation of Hanako, Sosuke, Makoto, Haru, Rin, and from the Menagoldon team. Later is the time were Rei asks for the hand of Hanako, the day of the marriage, the honeymoon, and the time when they have their kids. All this information I'm going to put in and I'm going to put some Authors not and maybe I'm going to put how is the life from each people from Free. Thank you for your time reading my book and I will be waiting for your vote for the next story and I have some drawing for 3 or 4 fanmade books and the others I'm going to get some good fanmade pictures or you guys can send me some pictures for the character and for the book's cover. Janeeeee!!!!