"Hey oni-chan let's go to the beach with everyone else."
"Fine, but I will be swimming ok."
" Yeah."
"Hey Haru do you miss her."
"No, cuz she left me only even if she is my sister I don't miss her."
"Are you sure cuz look over there Haru-chan."
It was graduation day Hanako was getting ready for the graduation. Makoto and Haru were downstairs waiting on her while the guys were downstairs Hanako was fixing her hair. The dress of Hanako was red with a mermaid cut and it was open in the front part and it has and white belt on it.
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"Hanako are you done we are going to get late!!!"
"I'm almost done Oni-chan!!" The reason was that she was nerves, but she has to come over it. When she went downstairs her brother and Makoto were in shook that she looks so beautiful.
"Hanako you just look like mom."
"Arigato Oni-chan."
"Let's go." They all went to school to be on time for the graduation. When they got there the teammates from Hanako were impress that Hanako looks super beautiful on her dress with high heels and the necklace that Raying gave her, but they didn't care about it. The only thing they care about is that Hanako is in good health and that she is pretty and happy with her life.
"Well Let's going and make our future an better place."
"Yeaaaaaah!" Everyone was ready to get their diplomas and go to college or a university. When they got to the stand and each teacher gave the diplomas to all student in order. The graduation ceremony was done they all when to somewhere else. Hanako took them to a beach where it was always empty. Everyone was impressed because it was beautiful and it has a lot of space to swim.
"OMG Hanako this place is awesome!!!!" Everyone from the swimming team was impressed by the beach and they all got in and started playing around. Rei was planning to scared Hanako as a surprised, yet he is scared that Hanako is going to punch him in the face.
"Hello Rei-chan"
"Oh Hi, Nagisa."
"What are you think umm?? Is about Hanako??"
"Well Yeah, but I don't if I should scare her or not?"
"Well you can, but you need to give her something in return."
"Okay. I think I can give her a piece of candy??"
"She will happy about it." Rei smile and got some candies from his backpack. Nagisa was impressed that he got some candy in his backpack. Then he went behind Hanako and scared her. She turns around with an aura of anger. Rei gave Hanako candy and she was happy and she kisses him on the cheek, but Rei turns around for the kiss be on the lips. Rei kisses her and she kisses back. Both of them were happy that they are together.
"I love you Rei."
"I love you too Hanako." Everyone was watching and they were happy with those two even Haru. Later on, they all went home to sleep and the next day to relax or for them to hang out together tomorrow.
Authors Notes
Hello guys' i was about to ask you guys for your votes and that theirs still time for all of you to pick with Fanfiction book you guys want me to do. I already have 3 fanmade pictures for the cover I just need to do them on the computer to upload them on the next Authors note. Janeeeee guys!!