"Hey oni-chan let's go to the beach with everyone else."
"Fine, but I will be swimming ok."
" Yeah."
"Hey Haru do you miss her."
"No, cuz she left me only even if she is my sister I don't miss her."
"Are you sure cuz look over there Haru-chan."
Today i woke up and the team stay at home even Haru's and Rin's team stay at the house, but I felt that something was missing in my life, but I don't what is it? I woke up and change to my running outfit, then i saw Jake and Jason in my room and they were checking my underwears.
"Jaaaaaakeeeeee!!!! Jasoooooooooo!!!!"
"Run brother. Ruuuuun!!!!!"
"Ooooooh no you two are going to see hell and later heaven"
Then they both scream and then the run downstairs and with this they woke up everyone in the living room and some of them were sleeping in the other room in the house.
"Oi!!! what the fuck is going on!!!!!!?????"
"Help us coach Hanako is going to Kill uuuuuus!"
"Get your fuck ass now here jake and Jason. You little fuckers and pervers!!!!!"
"Jake. Jason get you asses here!!!!!!!"
"We will never give up now bor"
"Hey Jake lets run outside now to save our beautiful faces?'"
"Yeah lets goo!!!!!"
Then before the got a chance to get to the door i got them by their legs and drag them to the backyard and everyone was following me with this two idiots behind me.
"What is happening coach?"Ask Lina and Savana to Jason
"Well both the Gomez brother did something to Hanako and they are ready to see hell and then heaven now" said Jason to the team and with that both the Gomez brother's ran out of Hanako's grip and she run to get them again.
Time skip by the Menagoldon team playing UNO and JENGA.
"One more time I see you two close of my things you guys are going to wish that you nerve were born ever!!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!!??"
"YEEEEEEEEEEES MA'AM!!!!!!!" while Hanako was yelling at the Gomez's brother the Iwatobi and the Samezuka team were with their mouth open that it reach the floor. The Menagoldon were laughing at the action that the team form her brother and his best friend team they were doing.
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that is the face that the Iwatobi and Samezuka did at the yelling of Hanako
"OOOOOOh. Hi guys sorry if this BAKA! woke you up"
"Nah is okay Hana-Chan. So what those two do to you anyway?"
"Sign... Well I'm going to get something to eat for everyone ok. Oh Haru?"