"Hey oni-chan let's go to the beach with everyone else."
"Fine, but I will be swimming ok."
" Yeah."
"Hey Haru do you miss her."
"No, cuz she left me only even if she is my sister I don't miss her."
"Are you sure cuz look over there Haru-chan."
It was a normal day and it was the 6 anniversary of Rei and Hanako. Hanako is 23 years old and she work's as a coach of a swimming team in Tokyo, Japan with the rest of her team, Megalodon team. While Rei is 22 years old and he works as a scientist in Kyoto, Japan and within that area was the rest of the team there, Rin, Nagisa, Makoto, Haru, Nitori, Momo, Sosuke, Kou, and almost the team of Megalodon, to talk about something. That something was about planning on how Rei is going topropes to Hanako to get marry with him.
Rei Pov
"So this how I thought the plan. I call her to meet me at the park and I have some flower for her. Then we go to a fancy restaurant and in that restaurant, I have the tables close to the stage. From there I was going to excuse my self to go to the bathroom and when the clock hits 9:00 pm you guys are going to come out singing 'Marry Me by Jason Derulo' and when it says "Will you marry me" I will come out with white roses and will show her with the ring."
I show them the ring and they were amazed. The ring has a white pearl with diamonds on and it has leaves and inside of the leaves were the diamonds.
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"Rei she will say yes to you and how much did it cost that ring?" Kou ask me and everyone look's at me and I answer their question.
"Well it cost $400."
"Yeah, I work for 3 weeks to get the money right and to buy the ring and save a place for today in the restaurant. So in total, I wasted is $1900 for everything." I told them and they have their mouth wide open. Seriously I wast a lot of money, but I still manage to save the other $5000 in my account.
"That's a lot of money that you wasted dude, but if you did it for this moment that's a real man." (LOL I just but what Elfman would say to everyone in Fairytail. Well back to the story)
"Yeah I know that Hanako she will say she to you Rei."
"Yeah I hope so."
"What do you mean that you hope so???"
"Well about 3 weeks we were talking on the phone and I hear a male voice that was calling her 'babe' and then she answers back to him."
"What did she said??"
"She said 'Sorry Rei I have to help a friend of mine. He is kinda being an idiot with everyone now and I know the reason. Don't worry I will call you back when I get him out of my house.' 'Babe come I want to play.' 'I said no you big FUCKING IDIOT!!!! sorry, Rei I will call you back I promise. I love you.' And that's how we end it."
I told them and they were wide chook on what they hear. Haruka-senpai, Makoto-senpai, and her teammates were a little bit angry at what they hared and the other didn't say anything. Until Kou broke the silent.
"You think that is going to stop you from proposing to her. Just ignore that. Go with your head high and show her that ring. Got that Rei Ryugazaki. You love Hanako Nanase. Don't you. If you do go with the plan and give her that ring!" Kou yelled at me and all the guys agree. Even she is married to Momo and they have there own a house, but they are still thinking to have kids, but they still help me with this like friends.
Hanako Pov Time skip to the restaurant
Rei and I were in the restaurant that was fancy and I was still thinking about why to this restaurant. But I just lost my train of thoughts when we got to our chairs that were in front of a stage it was pretty and there were people singing a classic song and it was a fancy restaurant. We ate and were dance 2 songs for 2 hours were stay in the restaurant. Then I saw the time it was 8:57 pm, I saw Rei and he excuses himself to go to the bathroom. It passes for 3 minutes and then I saw the lights go off and the curtains go up and I see the guys will dress up even Haru. They stared to sing a song.
Here the song stars
[105 is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you] Haru's and Makoto's Pov
[Wake up every morning with you in my bed
That's precisely what I plan to do] Rin's and Sosuke's Pov
[And you know one of these days when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life] Momo's and Nitori's Pov
[Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough] Boys from the Megalodon's Pov
[I'll say will you marry me
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say will you marry me] Rei's Pov
The end of the song but, if you want to listen to it, is up on the top.
I was about to cry and then Rei said a magic word that I was waiting for 2 years.
"Hanako Nanase will you be with me forever on my side. Will you marry me Hanako Nanase?!"
He said on the microphone and everyone in the restaurant was 'awe' and waiting for my answer. I look at my brother, my friends, and my teammates and they gave me a smile. I look back at Rei and I said.
" Yes, I will be on your side... Rei Ryugazaki!!"
I jump on him and kiss me and he kiss me back. Everyone claps for us. I know that I will be happy with the man I love and I know that I will not lose him.