"Hey oni-chan let's go to the beach with everyone else."
"Fine, but I will be swimming ok."
" Yeah."
"Hey Haru do you miss her."
"No, cuz she left me only even if she is my sister I don't miss her."
"Are you sure cuz look over there Haru-chan."
When I see Rei I just blush remembering what happened 2 weeks ago. Yeah and I mean when he kiss me, but that reminds me when I was in 8th grade that I fell in love with a guy name Raying. He was a guy that loves sport and he never gives up on nothing, but he was a playboy. He never love a girl he only plays with their feeling's and then he leaves them.
Hanako was in America for 1 year and she is on middle school. The middle school that Hanako went was called Merland Middle School. In this Middle school she meet Raying. he was a nice guy, but he was a playboy that was playing with ever single girls feeling even Hanako's. It was the last year for Hanako in America and during this year Raying was planning to play with Hanako.
"Hey my Hanako"
"Raying hello?"
"Hey do you want to hang out with me during lunch and ditch this losers?"
"Sorry I can't because i will be with my team during lunch so!! Get someone else. Bye" Hanako knew that Raying was playing with her, but he didn't gave up on getting her to be the last one for the school year and he was going to do and get her heart and then he will leave her like the other girls. Months pass and it was half way done the 1 semester, then Raying ask again Hanako out.
"Come Hanako just one time please???"
"I said no!!!!"
"Why my sweet Hanako?"
"Cuz you are a....?"
"Just go with him we are going to tell coach that you need to do homework ok?"
"sigh.... fine you win Raying. Happy?"
"Hey one thing before you leave with Hanako!!!"
"Yeah what is it??"
"You hurt her.. You will die.. Got it???" the swimming team said to Raying an dhe just nodd. Raying toke Hanako to his house. Raying house was a mansion it have a pool, a big living room the size of 3 classrooms and 8 rooms.
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"WOOW your house is big!!" Hanako said with stars on her eyes.
"Thanks.. Hey do you want to see my ro...?" When Raying was talking Hanako jump in the pool and he was in shook that Hanako change fast, but the real reason is that she have her swimming suit on like her brother, Haruka.
"Hey your pool is awesome!!!!!"
"Thanks!!!!" Then Raying jump in the pool with Hanako, but when Raying was out in the pool Hanako was in the other side of the pool and he was in aww that she is fast on water and on earth too. They spent all day in the pool, but it was time for Hanako to go with the team. Raying took her to the mansion were the swimming team livis at. The mansion have 5 pools, 20 room, a living room that it fits 40 jet skies and the kitchen is 20 feet big.