"Hey oni-chan let's go to the beach with everyone else."
"Fine, but I will be swimming ok."
" Yeah."
"Hey Haru do you miss her."
"No, cuz she left me only even if she is my sister I don't miss her."
"Are you sure cuz look over there Haru-chan."
It was lunchtime and everyone and I mean the swimming teams, Iwatobi and the Megalodon, are eating lunch in the rooftop and they were having fun and talking about them self, but Rei and Hanako they were quiet and they didn't talk. The other swimmers have already a plan to get Hanako and Rei to be together. Their plan was to get them to go to the pool to see each other and to confess to each other. But there was one thing that they didn't know that was coming to the school searching for Hanako and try to get her back before it was time to go back to America.
???? Pov
I got to the school were Hanako's team study now. The place I'm in is in Japan and the school name is Iwatobi. I was hoping the school was small but is big as a college. Well, I'm going to study here time to go get my schedule and go to class. If I find her I will get her back to me even if it takes my life away.
Mile Pov
Everyone was in the classroom waiting for the teacher and the teacher came and he said there is a new student coming and he came. The boy has blue eyes with dark hair and he looks a third year and then It clicks me, Savana, Lina, and Paul. The boy was Raying and we knew that he came for Hanako to finish what he started.
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"Hello everyone my name is Raying Perez. Please take care of me."
"OMG he is soo hot." Every girl was whispering about Raying. Me and the others stay quiet and wait until class was over and care on with the plan to hook up Rei and Hanako together. But one thing that the guys were hoping that Raying doesn't get on the way on this plan.
Time skip to the end of school
Makoto Pov
We are getting ready for the plan to get Hanako and Rie together. We agree that Rei will buy flowers with Haru, Rin, Nagisa, Sosuke, and Momo will get some chocolate, Kou will be with Hanako to distract her, Nitroge and me we are just checking that Hanako comes close to the pool, and Hanako's teammates will be putting clues around the school. An hour late 4 teammates from Hanako's told us that her ex, Raying, is here in school and that he is trying to get Hanako back. We all got mad at this and worry too. So they are checking that he doesn't get involved in this.
"Oye Makoto!!! We got the chocolate and Rei got the flowers for Hanako!!" Nagisa yelled at me and I said okay. We started to set up everything in the pool.
"Are you guys are sure this is going to work?"
"Sure Rei-chan is going to work" Nagisa said to Rei to cheer him up and it works. Now we all wait for Hanako to come here and Rei to confess to her. When we saw Hanako's teammates they came running with Kou. They look that something happened.