Adult (Woman)

183 9 13

I see the sexy woman. He wear sexy dress. Ups, she.

Oke, she got married and her husband so handsome, more handsome than Christiano Rionaldo. Sayangnya, it only in her imagination.

Her age is 25 years old. Her name is Sexy Secret. Oke, I am lie. Her name is Kingin. Her parents name it because she born near kipas angin. What is "kipas angin" in English?

She is beauty of course, no handsome. She works as carrier woman at home. She is a penjahit (I am lazy go to Google Translate.)

Oh yeah, she is my neghboard. Hadeuh, I mean 'tetangga'.

Ok, never stop me.

See you at my next fiction random.

* * *

Date: 26/09/'17

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