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Thanks to Springtopia who gave me an inspiration.

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I  see cocopeat at the street. More than three cocopeat. They make me so afraid. I try to run, but they look at me. I am frozen, but my heart dag dig dug.

Oh, nooooo!!! What must I do? I hope it is only a bad dream. I am allergic to cocopeat.  My skin begin gatal-gatal. I try to close my eyes, but I can't do it. I see they eat some breads, maybe contain chocolate and cheese. It makes me hungry. 

One of cocopeat give me a bread an then leave me. I am confuse, but my stomach  call-call me. So, I eat the bread, but I feel so guilty because he is a cocopeat.

When I mengunyah bread, I menyadari something. Where is my money pocket? So, I scream, "Co-co-peat!!! Co-co-peat!!!"

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Last Write: 6th March 2018

Cocopeat --> copet (thief)

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