Love Porn

94 7 12

Please, be patient. I must menghirup oxygen before. (What the word of "bernapas" in English?)

Ok, start!



P for phone

O for oncom

R for rat

N for nugget

Let's sing!

I have a phone 📱

You have an oncom 🍪

Uh ... Phone–Oncom


I have a rat 🐁

You have a nugget 🍗

Uh ... Rat–Nugget

🐁 🍗


📱 🍪 🐁 🍗

Uh ... I love PORN

* * *

So, when I call my friend in market by phone, I see a rat eat oncom on pojokan. The rat give me inspiration to buy oncom. Remember rat, remember meat. So, I buy nugget too. No rat nugget, no no, but tofu nugget. Just it.

This is my story, what is your story?

* * *

How tall your level stress? Please choose.

1⃣ flip table

2⃣ cry

3⃣ knock knock a part of the face (above eyes)

4⃣ laugh on big way

Write Date: 29 September 2017

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