Not Your Business

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Not your business if I say Mimi Peri handsome.

Not your business if my baju full colour like rainbow cake.

Not your business if I am success make you falling in love to me.

Not your business if I am not clever, but I go to pinter.

Not your business if I am glowing like disco lamp.

Not your business if





my nyasar readers, my silent readers, my voters, my commenters, my vommenters


thank you stomach

I love you all 💞

Thank you, you give (ups, make) me forget my--go to Google Translate--shame.

I know you more more more love me.

Not agree?

It's not your business.

Like-like me, huh! 😌😌😌😌😌😌

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My new vocabbulary, please correct if wrong: (from reader)

♦ dictionary: kamus
♦ dare: berani (I remember movie "Brave")
♦ king: raja
♦ embrace: memeluk
♦ tailor: penjahit (not penjahat 😛)
♦ breathe: bernapas

Kumis in English is mustache, hard word to remember.

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Write: October 17th, 2017

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