Wonder Women

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I see Wonder Women walking together with Bedman. They are not my hero, but I think your grandma and grandpa, not mine. They can't flying and fighting.

Wonder Women is the name of my neighbor. She is one person, not plural like women (woman-woman). Her husband is not a man who like sleep like sleeping police.

Although Wonder Women have eleven grandchild who all of them are boy/girl band, she wanna called Miss Wonder.

"Hello, Miss Wonder," I said.

"Hello, Protect," she answered.

"Hello, Mr. Bed," I said.

"Hmmm," he answered.

"Don't you think to be polite?" Wonder Women menegurnya.

"Hmmmm, so-sorry, I am ba-thuuuukkkk!"

"That's ok, Sir," I said. "You can drink lemonade juice without sugar."

Bedman smile to me. He give sign to go.

Now, only Wonder Women and I. I wonder what must I say.

"Miss Wonder, why your parents named you Wonder Women?"

"Because my dad often wonder when I born. He wonder when my mom stop pregnant. He wonder when women stop invite my mom to shopping. So, he named me 'Wonder Women'."

"Just it?"

"Yes. Don't you think that My parents idol is Wonder Women?"


"Do you have enough money to buy ice cream?"


"Ok. Don't you mind if I leave you?"


"Ok. Don't you think to say 'bye'?"

"Bye. Bye. Bye."

* * *

Write: January 5th, 2018

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