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Sin is a challenge of my life. Maybe sin is a power of a lot of people to do everything. Sometimes we do sin without menyadarinya. We don't care if other people don't like it. We don't care if other people hate it.

Life is hard. So, no false if we sin. Doing sin is the choice, right? High ten! 🙆

Don't ragu about it. I think sin is better than angry because angry just the emotion of devil's side of us. Soooooooo, let's sin!

Oke, begin from I (I must write "I" or "me"?). I sin when I am happy. I sin J-Pop's son such as "Cublak Cublak Suweng". J-Pop is Java Pop.

Cublak cublak suweng

Suwenge ting gelenterl

Mambu ketundung gudel

Pak empong lera-lere

Sopo ngguyu ndelik-ake

Sir-sir pong dhele gosong

Sir sir pong dhele gosong

I don't know what the meaning of above son, just like the son. Do you know? And, what is your favorite son?

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Write: 12 October 2017

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