Free World

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Yeah, in this world we free do anything, but I am lie. The free never become reality. So sad.

Why o why?

Because our God and then our country give us a rules to life in this world.

If we denied with doing pelanggaran, we will take a punishment.

The example is when we choose to drink dirty water, the punishment is we—maybe—will sick. Ups, I think the true word not punishment, but universal law. Yeah, law is hukum.

Other example is if we sleep in our classroom or our workroom, our teacher or our boss will angry and maybe kiss, eh, kill us. No no no, no kill, ahaha. I only don't know English word of, hmm, melotot. After melotot, we take a punishment.

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Free world is when our heart free of frustration, I think. Free world is when we do our responsibility with free heart, happy heart.

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Write Date: September 27th, 2017

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