Attack(Chapter 20)

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alright i was nice to you heres your september update....with 3 and a half of it left!! anyway i felt like there wasnt enough action in the past couple of chapters..sooo heres an actiony chapter..sorry i cant write fight scenes.

Leo's POV

I breathed slowly. Donnie was staring at me, eyes curiously scanning over me and mentally taking notes. Mikey hadn't let go of me since that night. I didn't tell him I hated how much care he was giving me, reminding me of my mistakes, and lets not get started on mirrors just seeing the stitches and bandages... I closed my eyes. "This good enough Donnie?" I growled. Raph kicked my shin, informing me I was being too harsh. I bit my lip and looked a Donnie. "Am I good to go?" Wow... this how Raph felt? I sighed and looked at Donnie. Donnie grunted and nodded. I stood up, I put a hand to the wall to support myself and limped into the dojo.

Breathe. In, out. I closed my eyes. The dojo calmed me, even two years later it smelt like sensei... Master Splinter, he remembered what he had said. Once last chance, he had one last chance to be the leader he was born to be. He pulled in the air, like a true leader he had to feel things coming, right before they happened. Like sensei had, he was ready for everything.  He could feel his brothers, he could see them. Takashi had taken over the body and was sitting on the couch reading comics. Raph near by, sending punches at the dummy, shooting looks at Takashi. Donnie had taken a place on his favourite  beanbag, scrolling through an online book about the brain. Donnie scrunched up his fist, the voices were eating at him again. Takashi stood up and yelled something about being unfair. Raph rolled his eyes.

Is this what sensei felt? I smiled. This was were I was, right before...all of that had happened.
"Shut up..." A voice hissed. I frowned and pushed my spirit towards the voices. Rahzar...? Fish Face... I stood up, and sprinted to the lounge room.
"The Foot!" I yelled, Raph looked at him. "There here." I explained.
"Right," Raph laughed. "And I'm Crognard the barbarian" Raph looked at me. Takashi cocked his head. "Mikey is saying to trust him." He said. Raph looked back at him.
"Well can you tell, Mikey we cant trust our dear old brother any more." Raph said through gritted teeth, I frowned.
"Raphael..." I started to say.

I heard the explosion before it all came. I threw myself onto to Raph. Donnie yelled out, diving himself into a ball. The explosion came from through the lab, Donnie whimpered,
"Well, well well."  Karai mused and walked in. She was wearing high leather puts, a knife ready to pull out on both boots, her hair had grown out on the back, pulled into the traditional konochi bun, her eyes were pitch black. An ugly feeling ran down my spine, I grabbed my swords and lowered myself into a combat stance. "Leonardo." She smiled, Rahzar and Fish Face walked behind her both smiling. I growled. I noticed Raph helping Donnie to his feet.
"What do you want?" I asked. Karai's eyes widened.
"Me?" She frowned, she smiled, she pointed a finger at Takashi. "Him."
Takashi whimpered, he froze for a second then nodded. It was the colour in his face that told me about the change. Mikey's eyes crossed down.
"YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!!!" Mikey yelled and through himself at Karai. Karai dodged and through a roundhouse kick into Mikey's chest.  Raph exploded.
"NO ONE TOUCHES MY BROTHER!!" He yelled and dived at Karai. Karai laughed, she flicked a hand and Rahzar punched Raph. Donnie rose shakingly to his feet. Fish Face laughs.
"And to think you once murdered someone. Pathetic," He went to kick him, my sword hit his foot. Xever looked up and smiled. "Competition eh?" He smiles. I narrowed my eyes.
"No one hurts my brothers. Ever."  I said, I nodded at Raph. For a moment we took an understanding. The older brother, the leader and the step in. We protected our little brothers and took each other backs. Mikey looked at Donnie and nodded.

I cracked my knuckles and breathed in slowly. This was a battle field.  I learnt more about myself on the field. I ran up, my sword safely at my side. Rahzar took his ground infront of me smirking. I looked at Raph and nodded, he ran behind the dog. I distracted, and sent a punch at his chest, I paused when Raph leapt, the knife ran over Rahzars paw. I cocked my head.
"Your missing something." I said,. Rahzar looked down, Raph landed his position, he looked back at me and smirked.
"My..." He flicked his hand, his wrist flew forward and hung loosely by a single strip of skin. Fish Face looked over and laughed.
"Nice look Rahzar!" He grinned  Rahzar growled and shook his head, he jumped at Raph.
"I got this one Leo." Raph nodded and me. I nodded back and launched at Karai.  Karai laughed.
"Well, well Mr failure Leonardo." She walked towards me, running a finger over the bandage on me neck. I froze up when the cold fingers grabbed me, my instincts went wild. RUN! RUN! I looked at her, damn she was hot. No no no!! Why couldn't I move? Even my tongue was stiff.

"No." Donnie said, he found himself and stumbled himself towards Karai. Karai raised an eyebrow and looked at the purple masked turtle. She lifted a finger off me. My body relaxed.
"Oh? Donatello?" She chuckled, Donnie grabbed his staff. Karai laughed, she ran up to Donnie, Donnie grabbed the fist she was flying at him. Karai's eyes widened, then smiled. "You still have something." Donnie grunted.
"Leo's my patient, he's still healing." He said calmly, and threw a kick at her cheek. Karai yelled out.
"You dare!" She said. Donnie nodded.
"What? This?" He twisted his staff and whacked Karai's butt. Karai jumped, Donnie smirked her twirled his staff... It was amazing, the scared Donatello crying about the voices disappeared, I saw him again. The brother that would shoot me a look when I made fun of his crush on April. Karai spat blood on the floor.
"Guess the Hamato's do have something." She said, dodging another swing from Don's staff. She threw down a smoke bomb. Raph jumped and leapt forward to follow them.
"Wait." I ordered, Raph looked at me.
"We won, we need rest." I said quietly. Donnie nodded, Mikey jumped up, he looked at Donnie, who returned with a grin. I collapsed on the couch, and focused on my breathing.  "It was good." I smiled, Raph grunted and nodded, putting his sai away. We were one. The hamato clan.

so there mostly getting alone..woo lol rahzars missing a hand...idk guys...i got AO3 guys!! the usernames the same..i think people like this book i got like 110 views on this book on ao3 in less that a week..sooo yeah... anyway!! mum yelling at me im taking too long!! WELL SORRY!! I TOOK TIME TO ACTAULLY WRITE A 1000 WORD CHAPTER WITH ACTION!! I TRIED FOR ONCE!! SORRY MUM!! hehe im kidding mums great..


-Ninja out

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