3: Crack-a-lacking and (not really) 2 AM Talking

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((^^I drew this for hourrrssss. And I still messed up horribly, I forgot to draw Keith's galra ears so I had to do a makeshift human ear. :( ^The reason why I said "(not really) 2 am talking", is because well it's not actually 2 am and it's really just an inside joke but it basically means having a deep conversation and those sometimes happen at 2 am so why not. *Hey just a heads up so I don't have to write in the middle of the chapter again cause I'm lazy, a splint is like a temporary makeshift cast.))

Your Point of View

I fly our pod steady, on course of anywhere far away from the galra. I take a deep breath still kinda processing what happened, that was insane... I've never had to do something like that while carrying TWO GROWN MEN. Well Keith looks like he's my age, 18 to 20 I'd say. Even still... that's a lot.

Behind me I hear a pained but whispered, "Ah! Fuck..." I set the pod on autopilot and spin around in the chair. Keith lays there with a terribly pained expression while holding his leg. I immediately spring out of the chair and rush over to him, "Where does it hurt?" He shakes his head, "I'm fine." "No you're not, Keith." He tries to stand up and he does, but the second he take a step there's a quiet crack and down he goes, growling and breathing heavily. I run to the first aid and get back to Keith. His leg is slightly bent.

((I'm sorry to everyone, this is literally making me cringe too. >~<))

I mentally prepare myself for what I'm about to do. I suggest you do as well... "Keith..." He speaks through gritted teeth, "What?" "I'm sorry but you know what I have to do, open your mouth." I grab a clean sponge out the first aid and shove it between Keith's teeth. I place both of my hands around where his leg is bent. He looks are my hands and his leg. "Keith... look at me and start thinking about everything, think about how your free and we just saved Shiro..." He looks up and I keep talking to calm him down and when he's relatively calm, I crack his leg into place. He bites down hard on the sponge which could have been his teeth, which he could have broken, and growls really loud. Quickly, I make a splint and secure it to him. He still has his tantrum but not on me.

While he tantrums I pick up Shiro and place him onto a bed. When Keith stops acting like he'll kill anyone who breathes at him, I help him up and onto a bed. There's only two beds so I'll most likely be stuck in a chair or the ground. That's ok, as long as they can heal comfortably, I don't care where I stay.

Since they're taken care of, I go to a mirror and inspect myself. Carefully, I unravel my, soaked in blood, eye/head bandage. My eye glows yellow to and it seems as if the blood has stopped.

The feeling of eyes focused on me creeps throughout my body. I turn around and meet Keith's gaze, his cheeks flush pink and he looks away.

I walk over to Keith's bed and ask him if he needs anything and he just shakes his head no. I go to walk away but he grabs my hand, "(Y/N), wait. You said we'd talk, we're obviously far enough from the galra, so let's talk." I roll my eyes, even though he's right, and sit on the side of the bed, "Well I'm practically an orphan, I never knew my father and my mother was murdered by Zarkon, due to her being a part of the Blade of Marmora. I was also a part of the BoM... until they found out I was half human. They said it was a sign of weakness, so they kicked me out... THEY DIDN'T EVEN LET ME KEEP MY BLADE! M! Y! BLADE! IT WAS MINE AND I AWAKENED IT! WHO ELSE CAN? No one..." I blush from getting a little overly upset, "Ever since then I've been my own rebel, not attacking BoM, going against galra, helping people as best as possible... Gets kinda lonely though..." He looks at me with eyes engulfed in awe. "That's kinda of what I do... ish... you see, me and Shiro are a part of a group, and we kind of defend the universe." I raise an eyebrow at him, "Group? Universe?" He nods, "Yeah, Voltron."


Without even realizing, my pupils dilate twice as normal and my mouth drops. "I guess you've heard of Voltron, huh?" I nod my head, "Y-you a-and him are the m-missing p-p-paladins of V-Voltron?!" Keith nods. I sit there shocked, staring at him. "Don't you have to get back?!" He nods once again. "But HOW?!" "uh you locate a giant space castle and go to it?" I jump off his bed and lightly tap the ceiling with my head. I cringe and walk away embarrassed.

At the controls to the pod, I search for a space castle aka the castle of the lions and find it. I punch in the coordinates set the pod on a course for it. When I walk back to Keith, he's sat upright and on the side of the bed. "I've set course for the castle of the lions... it'll be a few quintants." (Days) Before the paladin can respond, the other one starts to awaken. "Shiro?" Keith gasps out his name and tries to get up.

((Don't you dare make Keith gasping out his name sexual... yes it sounds very much like that but NO! BAD FANPEEPS! Where's my spray bottle?))

I push Keith back down so he won't get up. I point at his leg and reassure him that I got this. I calmly stride over to Shiro, "Hey... Shiro? How are you feeling?" He didn't even open his eyes and he grabs me by my throat with his mechanical arm. I grasp at his 'hand' and try to pull him away. I hear a faint metallic sound and a voice growl, "SHIRO! LET THE FUCK GO OF HER!"

I see a blurry Shiro, open his eyes and for a split second, they were glowing yellow. He looks shocked at what he's doing and opens his hand. Before I hit the floor, I'm in someone's arms and I hear my name over and over again, but it sounds like it's far away in a tunnel. That's all I remember... until darkness took me over.

((If ya couldn't tell, Shiro was evil and crazy for a second and he basically choked you till you became unconscious. You know who caught you because Shiro is now busy crying in the corner and slapping his robotic arm with his REAL hand and saying, "BAD DAD! BAD DAD!" <not actually in this story but if that happened I wouldn't be surprised. FUN TIMES! :D ))

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