9: What is happening...

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Your Point of View

Suddenly, he steps forwards and kisses me...

His lips are warm and soft. I've never had a kiss like this, only pecks with furry Galra lips, bleh. I'm mesmerized by the feeling and kiss back. We deepen the kiss and press our bodies against each other. His hands on my hips, my hands around his neck and trying to run through his hair. That's what snaps me out of it, I want to have my hands tangled in a mullet! Not short hair!

I aggressively push Lance off me and gasp for air. He stumbles back and almost falls on the ground, "Hey! What was that for!" I shoot him a look, "You're asking ME what that was for!? YOU'RE THE ONE THAT-" I make sure to whisper yell the last part, "KISSED ME!" After that we kinda whisper yell at each other. "YEAH BUT YOU KINDA MADE IT SEEM LIKE YOU LIKED ME!"

Lance raises his eyebrows and smirks at me, "Ooh so you think I'm a great kisser?" "SHUT UP!" He chuckles and I glare at him. "Look. I'm sorry. I misinterpreted what you were saying, I'm an asshole for doing that I'm really sorry." I hesitate before finally saying, "I... forgive you." Lance smiles a bit and opens his arms for a hug. I cross my arms and he pouts. Rolling my eyes, I reluctantly hug him. "Friends?" I look up at him, "Friends."

After pulling away, I look at Keith. Even though his eyes are closed... I can't even look at him. I feel so guilty. I guess Lance notices that, "(Y/n), don't feel so bad, it was my fault... besides it's in the past now and we both know that it was wrong........." I nod and he sighs. "Come on, let's get to bed." I nod again and he slings his arm around my shoulder.

Lance's Point of View

(Y/n) and I walk to our rooms, my arm over her shoulder. I can't deny the fact that I enjoyed that kiss, with her too. I also can't deny the fact that there was more behind it than me thinking she liked me... I mean COME ON! She's beautiful and strong and kind and smart and funny.... and I guess I was a little jealous of Keith... I thought that maybe if I could have swept her off her feet before they REALLY liked each other... than maybe I would actually have someone amazing to mutually love. I guess I'm a bit late on that train... I should be happy for Keith... and I kinda am but... I want her...

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel (Y/n) turn, wrap her arms around my torso and lean on me. I chuckle. She must be very tired. I disconnect her grasp from me and she groans. "Here," I squat down in front of her, "Looks like you need a piggyback ride." She slumps onto my back and I stand up, my arms secure around her legs to hold her up. Off we walk again.

I get to Keith's room and I don't want to let her go, but I have to. "(Y/n), we're here..." Her response, unconscious murmuring. I smile, why is she so fucking adorable. I open the door and walk to Keith's bed. With much sadness, I place her sleeping body onto the bed and tuck her in. "(Y/n)?" Murmur... "Hey what if I told you that Shiro will always be daddy?" More murmur... I hesitantly kiss her forehead, "Goodnight (Y/n). No matter what, I will always be there for you, I promise. I'd do anything for you..." Once again murmur but it's followed by a smile, I'll take it.

I make my way to the hallway but not before turning and looking at her one more time. I sigh, close the door and go back to my room. Ugh why do I always fall hardest for the most perfect ones that I can NEVER get!? I enter my room, take off my slippers and robe, and put on Pidge's headphones. Maybe some music and a good nights rest will shake these feelings off a bit.

Your Point of View

I yawn. The coldness of the bed is what wakes me. I guess I got a little too used to sleeping in a bed with someone. The images of last night flood my mind...

I hate myself.

I try to brush it off and get dressed. Allura and Pidge offered me some casual clothes to wear, they say they never wear them so I don't have to worry about giving them back any time soon.

 Allura and Pidge offered me some casual clothes to wear, they say they never wear them so I don't have to worry about giving them back any time soon

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((Credit to first picture: (in picture) idk on what social media though :(Credit to second: I'm really not sure, if anyone knows, please please please please tell me))((You can choose whichever you want to wear, it doesn't matter))

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((Credit to first picture: (in picture) idk on what social media though :(
Credit to second: I'm really not sure, if anyone knows, please please please please tell me))
((You can choose whichever you want to wear, it doesn't matter))

I grab my weapon and put it in my pocket. Hey, you can never be too sure. I walk out Keith's room and go straight to the healing pods. He's still there but he just twitched? I'm not accustom with these healing pods soooooo idk if that's not supposed to happen so I just forget about it. I sit in front of his pod.

How long have I been here? I turn and look at the nearest time teller. About an hour. Not long compared to Keith. I can't believe he sat here for 3 whole days! I don't know how he did it, I would get so bored. Even if it was the love of my life and I was devastated, I wouldn't be able to ONLY sit here.

The door opens. "Oh! Hey (Y/n)." It's Shiro. I turn and look, the Shiro who choked me. "Uh, hi Shiro." "Boy, last night was something." I stare forwards, "You don't even know." He goes to the control panel and, I'm guessing, checks Keith's vitals. "He's doing pretty good. Healing fast. He should be out..... tomorrow." Tomorrow!? I don't want to sleep without him again... I don't want to be without him.

Shiro walks besides me, "Hey wanna come with me to check on something?" "Sure." He holds his mechanical hand out for me to grab. I grasp his hand and he easily pulls me up. "So what do you have to check?" Why wouldnt I want to know? "Oh, nothing." What?? "Bu- wha- why- you-???" "I didn't want you to sit there the entire time like Keith. I mean you're so new, we want to get to know you... it doesn't seem like you're leaving us anytime soon so why not." He does have a point. I nod. "So what's your story, the part that I don't know."

Oh boy here we go, "Well... when-" I'm cut off by a loud noise and the lights flickering. "What the hell was that!?" I shove my hand in my pocket and grasp my sword in defense. "I don't know... follow me, stay close!" Shiro runs towards the noises of shattering glass and I follow. It leads us to the healing pod room... "Keith..." I can't help but gasp out his name. The room is dark. We can't see a thing... Shiro illuminates his hand as much as possible and I active my weapon causing my blade to come out and burst into flames. Our weapons give enough light to reveal the room.

All of the pods are smashed, except for one....

The one Keith was in.

I'm A Monster (Reader x Keith)Where stories live. Discover now