A/N? *next chapter spoilers* It is 6 AM and i didnt sleep

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((Before chapter 12))

I was up ALLLLL night reading Connor RK800 Detroit Become Human fan fiction. I regert. But I got ideau fer next chappy and like this is how I wrote down my shit to remember the idea.

"Let me go let me go let me go

No budge

Shiro needs help Shiro needs assistance Shiro needs IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION

YAH YEET THE LOT FLOCK TO SHURO LANCE START TO WALK TOO BUt wait why she runnin :( she wtf what happen wif keef? I'm mf folluw da bitch and b like mithin impothible amd b lik wym whars the chapstick beef"

So can you tell I didn't sleep?

Lmao for the past few days I've been falling asleep from like 5:30am-8am and sleeping till?????????? 1pm-2:45pm or like one day where I slept till 4 pm. (I live in the U.S. and it's summer rn so like we get the season off..... we have a short summer this time though because mf snow and assholes wanting to start school early like, earlier in summer AND earlier in the morning :)) (fuck my school district)


Detroit Become Human has RUINED my life!

Voltron is different. If they're coming out with a new episode and I have school, fine, don't sleep or set alarm to 3 am to watch episodes before getting ready and then bus. And then I talk to or text friends about it. And then I come home and it's fiiiine I'm all good.

But like.


This shit

This steaming pile of thirium (sounding like a SNACK to Connor)

I just.


Your welcome for cracked up spoilers.

I'll seriously write at least bit of the chapter tomorrow.... today..... later...?


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